Chapter 10

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Harry sat holding his sisters hand as she lay in the bleak hospital bed. The only sound was the soft beeps of the heart measurer echoing through the small room.

Lucie had been in the hospital for three days so far and was slowly making progress. She had occasionally woken up and the doctors had enough time to feed her before she slipped back into her sleep.

He hated seeing her so vulnerable. Sure, in the recent weeks, Lucie's strong personality, for some reason unknown to Harry, was slipping, revealing the more sensitive side to her, but this was a whole new level. She seemed so small lying in the bed, the only colour in her body was her red hair, which if Anything considering the abnormal paleness of skin made her seem worse than she actually was.

And then there was the baby. Harry's heart stopped as he thought about the child his little sister was carrying. Due to the fact she didn't stay awake for long meant the doctors and nurses couldn't carry out the tests they needed to. It had struck fear in the boy when he thought about the possibility of his little niece or nephew hurt.

The other boys had all taken turns staying with Lucie as the nights passed, a majority of the shifts being shared between Harry and Zayn. The only thing that Hurt him the most was Louis. Throughout the whole time Lucie had been in hospital he had not visited once. Harry couldn't understand it. Louis and Lucie were close, it was hardly like he had a reason not to come, and even if he did, Liam and Niall had visited almost regularly, simply to provide company for Harry to make sure he didn't go insane in his worry for his younger sister.

Harry was distracted from his mess of worried thoughts by the bed next to him rustling slightly. Harry looked up just in time to see his little sister, with great difficulty, sitting up on the bed.

"Harry?" Lucie said fisting her hands together and cutely rubbing her eyes with them.

"Hey Luce." Harry said gently wiping a stray piece of red hair from her face. "How you doing?"

"Ok I guess." she said yawning.

While she stretched, Harry gently leaned over and pushed the small button next to Lucie's bed, signalling them that she was awake.

"How'd you find me?" Lucie asked quietly.

"Well I woke up and you weren't there, so me and the boys all spilt up. Louis and Zayn found you by the side of the bridge in the rain-" Harry was cut off during his explanation by Lucie's confused voice.

"Louis helped in looking for me?" she asked tilting her head to the side slightly, disbelieving.

"yeah." Harry said looking at his sister in confusion. Why had she thought Louis wouldnt? Added to the fact Louis hadn't even visited once. Harry narrowed his eyes at his sister, trying to work out her expression as suspicion washed over him. Had something happened between the pair that they hadn't mentioned to him?

Harry was disturbed from his suspicious asking her by a doctor walking in. He looked like he was in his 40's and he had balding hair. He was wearing a long coat that flowed behind him as he walked and had a clip board in his hand. His grey eyes landed on Lucie and he smiled reassuringly.

"Hello Miss Styles. I'm Doctor Geoffrey, I've been one of the many people taking care of you during your time here. Are you ok to do some tests to make sure you and your child is ok?" He said looking at his board at her infomation.

Lucie nodded hesitantly and the doctor smiled widely at her.

"Ok I'll just get one of the nurses and we'll have a look at the baby." he said before turning around and leaving the room.

Harry looked at his younger sister in confusion. She was gently rubbing her stomach but a clear look of fear was plastered on her face.

"Luce? What's the matter?" Harry said grabbing her hand.

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