Chapter 24 (Part 1)

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Ollo everybody :) I know it's very late but happy new year! Horray!

So this is part 1 and part two should be coming up soon :) I've decided that this and the next chapter will centre on two different views of the same day :) hopefully it's not too confuzzling.

I've nearly decided a name for the bubba but there's still time to give some more ideas x

Enjoy xx



Days passed drearily, with very little excitement blessing their quiet lives. As Lucie was drawing closer to the end of her pregnancy Louis had been allowed some time off until after the baby was born, in hopes to get everything sorted out in time. Naturally as the group worked in a 5, the others refused to continue without Louis and they had also been given time way from the spotlight.

As the time ticked slowly by, Lucie was beginning to happily count down the days until she would finally have her little baby. As much as she loved the little baby growing within her, she missed the freedom she once had before the pregnancy. Pregnancy had limited many of her favourite activities, ice skating, roller all Lucie found herself eagerly awaiting the nearby due date.

It was a normal Tuesday afternoon and Lucie and the boys were sprawled out across the living room of the Styles home. Liam and Niall were playing excitedly at a game of Mario Kart, while Harry silently played his Nintendo DS and Zayn aimlessly scrolled down the pages upon pages of people's everyday lives on Twitter, paying absolutely no attention to any of them. Lucie laid down with her head on Louis' lap. She had long ago grown too bored of any of the activities in the quiet home...and she wasn't letting the boys forget it either

"I'm borrreeeedddd!" Lucie dragged out dramatically, throwing her arms up in frustration.

"Well do something then!" Harry replied from across the room, only making Lucie's bottom lip stick out further in a sad pout.

"There's nothing to dooooooo..." Lucie whined again.

"Geez you're as bad as Haz." Liam smiled, peeking up from the game he was playing, only to quickly receive a surprised glare from the man in question.

"What's that supposed to mean?!" Harry exclaimed.

"Haz, you might not realise it but you're as bad when you're bored." Niall pointed out from across the room, not bothering to tear his eyes away from the race he was engrossed in for a few seconds.

"I can't be this bad, honestly!" Harry complained waving his hand in the direction of his twin sister.



"You are Hazza"


The boys replied at different times but still saying the basic same things.

"Looooooser!" Lucie poked her tongue out at her brother making him roll his eyes.

"Yeah reallll mature, Luce"

"Shut up!" Lucie threw a pillow at the boy, frustrated.

"No! You shut up!" He replied as he threw it right back.

The pair continued bickering more deadly weaponry (pillows, blankets and books) becoming involved.

"We need do something, I don't wanna know what'll happen if these two don't do something soon." Liam complained over the racket the twins were making.

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