Chapter 15

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Louis shifted uncomfortably in his seat as he tried hopelessly to distract himself from the awkward silence that had fallen on the room. He looked around at his band mates sprawled around the room, as they focused all their attention on Simon who was sat on the sofa opposite from Louis. However, as Louis looked up at his manager he saw that his angry glare was only directed straight towards him.

After Simon had unexpectedly appeared at the doorstep of the Styles house and practically invited himself in, the group had fallen into a silence, each expecting one another to break it in order to explain what was going on. However as the minutes ticked past slowly it still remained.

I wish Luce was here, Louis thought to himself. Lucie was always the perfect diffuser of tension. It was hard to have an awkward silence when she was around. She would always be cracking jokes or, if it was about an argument she would convince them all to make up. She was perfect like that. However much to Louis' happiness she had kept her promise and still remained upstairs.

It scared him that she was alone up there after what had happened. He couldn't get the image of Lucie on the floor with the razor in her hand out of his troubled mind. All he wanted to do was to go back upstairs and make sure she wasn't in that dark place again but he managed to convince himself to make the compromise of getting all this sorted out and then seeing her. After everything that had happened, Louis knew that seeing the probably disapproving reaction of her twin brother wouldn't help her at all.

As if he had finally gotten bored of the tension, Harry sat up straighter in his seat and directed his complete attention at Simon, with slight worry and confusion written all over his features.

"Ok, Simon what's this about?" Harry said speaking up, finally breaking the awkward silence.

"Well I was called here after I was informed of a certain rumor that is currently spreading around about one of you that I want denied." Simon said, not moving his glaring eyes from Louis.

"You came all this way about a rumor?" Liam asked confused.

Since they had become a band, Simon had always told the boys not to listen to any rumors or hate being spread about them, so naturally it was hard for the band to understand he had come all this way about it. They had always been told it was too difficult to deal with. When they had started it had seemed so confusing how others could spread fake, exaggerated stories about their lives. Some people struggled to handle all the false accusations and cruelty that would be directed straight at them. The more Louis thought about it he realized Lucie was the perfect example of that. She had been put in the media and she foolishly listened to what they had to say and it nearly drove her over the edge. She wasn't like them. She hadn't been taught to pass it off as nothing the way they had.

"This is a rather big rumor that, if it's true, im very pissed I wasn't informed of earlier, when I could of planned for it." Simon replied snapping Louis out of his thoughts.

"What's the rumor?" Niall asked

"Only that Louis has gotten a girl pregnant." Simon said sarcastically.

Louis felt all the surprised looks of the rest of the band, apart from Zayn, swing round and upon him. Louis lowered his eyes so he didn't have to see the suspicion and disbelief in all their surprised gazes. He decided to keep as quiet as possible in hopes of saving the explanations for when he would really need them- when he was faced with Harry.

The stunned silence was once again broken by Harry, but this time by his roaring laughter.

"Louis? Getting a girl pregnant?" Harry said between chuckles, dramatically wiping a tear from his eye.

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