Chapter 22

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Hiya guys- Long time no post right? :/ So sorry about the late upload. I am currently in year 10 so i've been getting set up into all of my GCSE classes (ADVICE FOR THE YOUNGER GENERATION- NEVER PICK GEOGRAPHY!) and after that not only did I have massive writers block, when I had finally completed nearly all of this chapter my phone was updated and has managed to break so a week later I still haven't got a phone :( I'M SUFFERING WITHDRAWL SYMPTOMS!!!!!!!!!!!! And not only that my computer has also been taken in for repairs... so that sucks. Anyways this chap had to be written on paper which is extremely fustrating as I can't secretly write in the night which I normally I do as my parents would not only kick my ass but also want to know what I'm writing so no. @CoolBeans808 ruined my secret cover of no one I know knowing that I write this so... :(

And IT'S MY BIRTHDAYYY!! Yayyy! Finally 15 :) I thought I'd upload this as a sorry :) that verrrrry long authors note...Enjoy :)


Weeks passed and Lucie couldn't believe the dramatic changes in the fans. After the 'One Direction week' on Music entertainment and the 'Girlfriends of One Direction' interview, Lucie could have never expected what happened. While the media continued their relentless chase of any gossip they could dig up, the fans all around the world became so much more supportive.

"Anyone else think #Loucie is such a cute couple?"

"@Lovelylucie loved seeing you on Music Entertainment!"

"@LouisTomlinson @Lovelylucie #LOUCIEFOREVER!"

Lucie scrolled through her twitter mentions aimlessly. She smiled as she read through each kind message that had been sent by fans. Even though some fans still sent hate and appeared as if the only thing that would make them happy was Lucie disappearing and never returning, the supportive messages were over ten times the amount of bad.

"Boo!" Lucie jumped heard a voice in her ear.

"Lou! You gave me a freaking heart attack!" Lucie exclaimed as she rested a hand over her rapidly beating heart attempting fruitlessly to calm it.

"Sorry." He smirked cheekily before jumping on Lucie's bed so he was laying next to her. "What'cha dooooing?"

"Just looking on twitter. The fans are so sweet." Lucie smiled again.

"I know right? My whole inbox is full of "Loucie" mentions."

Suddenly Lucie noticed another mention appear in her notifications.

@ZaynMalik: "If @Lovelylucie and @LouisTomlinson would be so kind to come downstairs and stop being so antisocial...that would be very nice"

Lucie laughed as she typed back a reply.

@Lovelylucie: "You could have just called @ZaynMalik. Anyways who'd wanna spend time with you? :P"

It only took mere seconds before yet another message popped onto her computer.

@ZaynMalik: "Heartbroken thanks to @Lovelylucie. Where is the love? X"

@Lovelylucie: "Awww Zayniekins xx Don't worry @ZaynMalik I'm coming down :) Love ya x"

"Hey what about me?" Louis pouted playfully, reading over the messages with the younger girl.

"You know I love you more than anything." Lucie said as she kissed Louis gently.

"I love you too."

"Come on let's go downstairs before Zayn kicks my butt."

Louis laughed before nodding and grabbing Lucie's hand and heading downstairs.

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