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Hiya guys! Sup?

AHHHHHHHHHH! It's the last chapter :( I am feeling really ill right now so I thought I should update in case I die! Nah I'll be good in the next few days but YOU NEVER KNOW! <-- I was told to insert the word 'YOLO' there but I hate that word >:/ <-- see I'm even using an angry face! Fear me! Ok...that as Rowntrees Random O_o

Seriously the chapter is so sweet made me fangirl! I don't know if I'm just a bit over dramatic but yeah, I had to stop every few minutes to calm myself :P I hope you guys think this is an okay ending for you guys :)

Vote, Comment and Fan!

Enjoy the chappy :D

~Talia x


As the days passed, Louis and Lucie found themselves settling into the everyday life of having their own little family. Little Delilah had settled in easily when they had taken her to the little temporary nursery that had been built in the Styles home. While she occasionally woke up in the middle of the night for various reasons, she tended to sleep around sixteen to eighteen hours a day. Lucie was quick to constantly remind Louis to enjoy the peace while it lasted, knowing that as their baby grew older, she would sleep less and wake Louis and Lucie up far more often. The couple were also going through the last few stages of buying their own home for their family, no matter how much Harry attempted to convince them to stay. He was only convinced when Lucie told him that the three of them needed their own place and she was saving Harry from many hours of lost sleep.

Jay, Louis's four sisters and many members of his family had all visited at many points, desperate to meet the new addition to the Tomlinson family. Jay had smiled knowingly when she had been told it was a little girl. There was a large ratio of girls in comparison to boys in the Tomlinson family. It had taken a while but Lucie was starting to grow a few friendly bonds with Lottie, Louis' eldest sister. Despite their bad beginnings they were growing to have slight care for one another.

As for Meghan, true to her word, Monica told all the media the truth behind her twin's claims- showing Meghan for the liar that she was. Lucie still had no idea what happened with Jake, the father of Meghan's baby, but Lucie hoped that he had the strength to be there for his pregnant ex-girlfriend- not for Meghan, but for the sake of the little baby she was carrying. Zayn had been very surprised when he had seen the unlikely friendship build between his best friend and girlfriend- to say it was unexpected would be an understatement. Lucie had kept to her promise of not revealing Monica's real intentions when she had revealed what her sister was up to, while Monica convinced everyone it was simply because she hated her 'spoilt brat' of a sister.

The media were being their normal annoying selves. Desperate to get the first pictures of 'Baby Direction' as they loved to call Delilah, they attempted some pretty desperate measures. Some attempted sneaking into the private hospital room that Lucie had been staying in by dressing up as doctors, while others attempted to climb the fence outside the Styles home. Paul was currently staying for a short time while the media calmed down.

Lucie sat in Delilah's large nursery. Even though the room was only temporary the boys had spared no expense with any aspect of the room. The walls were decorated with a variety of pictures and photographs. Huge piles of teddy bears and toys, which Lucie knew Delilah wouldn't be able to use for probably a few years, were spread around the room.

She stared down lovingly at her little girl as she slept. Delilah had just fallen asleep and Lucie decided she would stay for a few more minutes, just in case she woke up again.

Knocking on the door snapped Lucie away from her daydreams. She looked up and smiled as she saw Louis leaning against the door frame.

"She asleep?" Louis whispered.

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