Chapter 23

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Hiya guys! Two uploads in one month? Weird right :P I'm gonna try uploading as many chapters as I can before I get dragged back to hel- sorry I mean school :) After that I'm gonna just at now I can't promise a lot of updates quickly. Not only do I have a lot I need to do, sometimes I just need to chill out. That and I want what I upload to be half decent, I'd rather do good uploads over a long time rather than a lot of crap.

Anyways, how was everybody's Christmas? I hope everyone had a great time and I hope that you have an equally fantastic new year. :)

Thank you to everyone who has been voting, I really appreciate everything you guys have done. I mean come on, nearly 150,000 reads? That's more than I could ever have dreamed of so thank you so much xxx

I'm still taking in any suggestions for names for ? Loucie's baby and I'm still offering a dedication if I use yours :)

This was a kind of filler chappy cause I don't think Hazza and Luce have had enough brother and sister time together. There are only a few more chapters to go and I'm not sure if i should do a sequel after that? There might also be a spin-off based more on Zayn that a friend of mine is planning out that I may help co-write. So if you guys tell me what you think?

Finally to all those who have asked me to read their stories I'm starting to go through them :) The ones I I've read so far have been pretty amazing :)

I think I've talked enough now :P


Vote and Comment :)


Lucie carefully poked her head wearily around the corner, checking around her for any sign of movement. Peeking out from behind the wooden frame of her door, she waited until she was almost certain the coast was clear, before carefully stepping out into the open hall towards the bathroom. She smiled in relief as she go closer to the bathroom, thinking in victory that she had finally escaped.

That was wishful thinking on her as side. She was never that lucky.

"Oh no, you don't." Lucie suddenly heard a voice say and before she could react she was half walked/ half dragged back into her bedroom, and laid back down on her bed.

Lucie growled at the person, her eyes glaring almost hatefully at the Louis, who was currently standing at the foot of her bed arms crossed, a smug smirk spread across his face. A smug face that if the opportunity arose Lucie would love to slap off his face.

"F*** off!" Lucie swore angrily at her boyfriend.

"Luce, what did I tell you?" Louis began impatiently. "The doctor said you need to rest." Louis continued, rolling his eyes, completely unfazed by her comment.

To say Lucie was prepared to brutally murder her older boyfriend, would have been an understatement. Where barely a month ago on their date, Lucie had felt nothing but love for the older boy, but anger and frustration was starting to set in. Now she was seven months pregnant, Louis rarely left Lucie alone, becoming almost like a shadow that Lucie was steadily growing to resent. No matter where she went, Louis followed keeping a close eye on the younger girl, the only exception being in the bathroom, but Lucie doubted that would be the case if she didn't make sure to lock the door.

She could somewhat understand. At seven months pregnant she was nearly the size of a cliff and most tasks had become strenuous for the 18 year old girl, however there was only so much she could handle. Adding that to the crazy hormones which were currently flowing through her bloodstream and the fact she was carrying a baby whose main entertainment was playing football with her bladder, she was ready to kick Louis' butt all the way to Australia and back.

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