Normal? Never Met Her

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Everyone always thinks they're normal even when they're actually not. Y'know, like the stereotypical tv, quote-unquote "normal girl" who's got some magical powers or a "normal boy" that's either super smart or super buff. I, myself, thought I was normal for a long time too. I was a simple girl who grew up in Salem, Oregon. A simple brown-haired girl who liked to read, wore a blue beanie as if it were mandatory, went to school just as everyone else, and was forced to choose a career at a young age just like everyone else. The only things abnormal about me were my pointy ears and the fact that I had yellow eyes. Not like the aftermath of taking drugs (which I swore I'd never touch), but like hawk eyes. My mom tells me that I have my father's eyes. Who the heck has freaking yellow eyes?

Sorry, I'm getting off track here: As I was saying, other than my yellow eyes and ears, my life was normal. I had a normal life, a mom who loved me, a nice home, a decent school. Pretty normal, right? I thought the same too, until the greatest adventure of my life happened.

My name is Aria Plousios, and this is my story:

It was a peaceful Friday afternoon in my home city of Salem, Oregon. People were walking in and out of the nearest coffee shops, going into the local library, or just taking a nice walk on a rare sunny day. I was riding my bike, minding my own business, taking in the good vibes of the day, when I heard the sound of loud snickers and snobs laughing.

Damien White and his posse of his basketball friends and his girlfriend Mona were standing outside a coffee shop laughing at me. Damien was your typical high school bully: Thinks he's a big shot, captain of the basketball team, muscle brained idiot, slept with every busty bubble-headed bimbo he gave his number to, and just a big jerk. He asked me out for a date once, I turned him down, and he's been treating me like crap ever since. It's not my fault he's the most repulsive being to exist.

"Hey, look who decided to come out of her house for a change: Freakazoid!" he called out.

I stopped biking and turned to the jock and his posse with a mean look. "The name is Aria!"

"Well, Fart-ia, what'd you do all summer?" he asked. 

Yeah, Fart-ia was just a cruel nickname he gave me when I rejected his date offer, and frankly, it was neither funny nor very clever.

"I bet she went to the museum like any loser would!" his friend Lester Jackson started to laugh. "That's all she ever does!"

While he was right about me spending most of my summer vacation at the local museum, I still didn't like being laughed at, especially by a group of so-called "high and mighty" high muckamucks. I decided to play their little game of rudeness by asking Damien a very juicy question.

"Remind me again what your summer plans were, Damien. I can't remember." I asked with a sly smirk. "Were they to go to the cheer team fundraiser at the car wash or to sleep with Ashley when Mona was vacationing in Wyoming?"

Mona stared at Damien full of rage when I flat-out told her that he cheated on her. Like he'd really be loyal to any of his girlfriends. I was quite satisfied with my clever game. Damien got out of the chair he was sitting in furiously to talk to me. I wasn't intimidated by him, even if he thought he was.

"I don't know what your game is, but yellow-eyed freaks like you shouldn't talk." he told me, his words coming at me like the venom from a spitting cobra. "You're a loser, and that's all you'll ever be."

I glared up at him, mentally strangling him until he was purple, and straight up said: "At least I'm not a bully." 

I turned away from those jerks and started to bike home. Home to me was an apartment that my mom and I lived in just above her spice and tea shop. We shared the place with my uncle Homer, my mom's older brother. My parents had me when Mom was seventeen, and since my grandparents were super religious, they kicked her out when she told them that she was pregnant. Homer was the only one to help her out after she had me. Dad never was in the picture two months after I was born. It never bothered me as to why he left when Mom had me. Like I said, my parents were young and didn't know a thing about raising a child. Which resulted into my dad leaving us like a spinless jerk. I was lucky enough to get saddled with at least one parent for the last fifteen years of my life.

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