The Golden Touch

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The next day seemed pretty easy for me. Nothing too crazy, no aftermaths of things happening, no nothing. Heck, one of the more exciting things that did happen was that when I told my schoolmates that I finally turned sixteen, they all somehow managed to throw me a little party in the cafeterium. It wasn't something I was used to, but like I said in the last chapter: my sixteenth birthday was probably the best one I ever had.

And later that night, Hercules and Icarus invited me to go get milkshakes with them as a sort of treat for me. And of course, I accepted. I mean, who could say no to milkshakes?

"Ah, what a glorious night!" Icarus said as he gave a toast with his milkshake.

"Yeah, the stars are so beautiful tonight. Like a bunch of tiny diamonds sparkling their radiant worth." I added before taking a drink of my chocolate milkshake.

Hercules looked up at the sky before taking a sip of his shake. "Sometimes when I look up at the stars, I imagine that one day I'll become such a great hero-"

"That they'll name a constellation after you?" I finished, fully knowing where he was going.

"How'd you know?" he asked

"Overheard Phil talking about it once." I gave a small smile.

"Yeah, it's been his dream for years, and I don't wanna let him down. Although only me having that daydream is kind of dumb, huh?" he asked sheepishly. 

I shook my head before waiting on Icarus to answer, but there was no answer or Icarus where he had been sitting. In fact, the whole outdoor seating area was about as dead as the Underworld.

"Where'd Icarus go?" Hercules looked around.

"No idea. It's not like him to only order one milkshake." I pointed out. 

Just then a stranger dressed in black martial artist clothes holding a katana sword appeared out of nowhere and looking for a fight.

"A ninja? In Greece?" I asked as I stood up in a defensive position.

"You know this guy?" Hercules asked me as he got next to me to protect me from the ninja.

"I know of him." I told him.

Hercules then started to give out a typical heroic threat to the attacker. "Whoever you are, I must warn you I'm a hero-in-training."

I stood next to him and put up my fists. "And I'm not as dainty as I look."

The ninja swung a katana at us, in which we ducked, and when Hercules accidentally knocked over a table while avoiding being slashed at, the table hit the ninja right in the jaw and knocked him out cold. But our victory was cut short when another ninja grabbed my arms behind my back and pulled me away from the fight.

"Hey!" I tried to protest with kicks, but to no avail.

"Let her go!" Hercules tried to fight off the ninja holding me but was stopped by a couple others in which he started fighting them off. 

Hercules took the table he had knocked over earlier and flung it at the other ninjas, sending them flying in the air. I elbowed the ninja holding me in the gut, in which he dropped me and I followed up with a hard kick to his chest. The ninja fell back and hit his head on a chair, letting me know that he was out like a light. But when I stood back up, I saw a ninja behind Hercules raise his bo-staff and was ready to strike.

"Herc, behind you!" I warned him.

Herc dodged the attack and I was the one who went in for the punch. The ninja was knocked out cold. Which honestly surprised me because I didn't think I had it in me. Unfortunately, after we managed to knock out all of them, a slow clap let us know that somebody was watching us.

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