The Pool Party

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The next two months felt pretty easy for me to handle. Nothing too crazy happened other than Hercules getting into hilarious situations he caused. But things in the Underworld haven't really been very exciting. True, we've had a few boosts in business, but other than that. Things have been pretty tame. Until today, when a certain someone was having his usual funk about being lord of the Underworld.

"Alright, what fun is in store for me today?" Hades sighed as he, the imps, and I were walking down towards the Lethe Pool for some usual work business.

"Well, your surliness," Pain started as he read off a form on a clipboard he was carrying. "I have a purchase order for brimstone."

"Fine." Hades said as he took the clipboard and signed the form.

"The demon spawn of Sector 3 want a ride-share program." Panic continued as he handed Hades another form.


"And the torture masters of Tartarus are down to their last lash." I finished as I handed Pain the forms so he could hand them to Hades.

"Whip requisition, sign here, and here." Pain told Hades as our boss was signing off the forms. "And initial here, here and here."

"I'VE GOTTA GET OUTTA THIS BASEMENT!!!" Hades flamed up in annoyance -torching Pain in the process- before he started to walk around the pool area. "The other gods get to make wine, love, and war! They even get a view! What do I get?!"

"Monsters at your beckon call and a three-headed guard dog?" I suggested cynically.

"Rhetorical question, babe."

"Sarcastic answer, boss."

Hades rolled his eyes before accidentally bumping into a soul carrying a pool skimmer.

"Who is this?" Hades asked the three of us.

"Good question, who am I?" the soul asked.

"Oy, another wasted pool cleaner." Hades sighed as he watched the soul join several other confused souls.

I eyed the Lethe pool and then back at the souls. "You'd think they'd learn not to swim in it after watching one guy fall in."

"What's the deal with the Lethe water stuff again? I-I forget." Pain asked in confusion.

"Yeah, that would be why we call it the Pool of Forgetfulness." Hades told him in a reminding tone.

I looked down at Pain and realized that he had put his feet into the water.

"Get outta there!" I yelled frantically as I pulled him out by the tail.

"Maybe a dip in the old Lethe pool would help you forget your troubles?" Panic suggested to our boss.

"Yeah, right. What good's a god who can't remember..." Hades scoffed at the idea before he stopped mid-sentence when an idea of his own came to mind. "Who he is!"

"Oh no." I muttered, knowing where this was heading.

"YES! If Zeus and his god squad forget who they are, I GET A CLEAR SHOT OF THE TOP! MY ZIP CODE WILL BE 9021O-LYMPUS!" Hades yelled out his plan in excitement. "Boys, Ari, we're gonna need some invitations. I'm gonna throw a pool party they'll never forget! Oh, wait. I'm sorry. They will, won't they?"

Hades chuckled as he left the room, but just as the three of us were about to head out, Pain noticed an unsigned form lying on the ground and tried to tell Hades about it.

"Hey, boss, you forgot-"

"I wouldn't do that, unless you wanna get roasted, bud." I warned him as I snatched the papers from Pain's hand.

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