The Tapestry of Fate

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"I cannot believe it!" Icarus shouted as we watched some employees hang up a large decorative banner outside the entrance of the Agora. "They're already putting up decorations for the great Dionysia Festival!"

He, Hercules, Cassandra, and I decided to spend the afternoon at the mall for a fun after-school hangout, which I thought was alright. Work in the Underworld has been slow lately, especially after the Athens takeover, so Hades decided to not let me work until he was certain we'd be busy. And it paid off, especially for today.

"Yeah, talk about rushing the season." Hercules agreed with his friend. "We haven't even had the Feast of Apollo yet."

"Who knew people here rushed holidays like they did back home?" I muttered.

"Come again?" Herc asked me.

"Oh, nothing! Just thinking out loud." I rephrased myself.

"Okay, I'm gonna go shop now, so see you guys later... or not." Cassandra said as she moved on ahead of us to look at some clothes hanging on a rack.

I arched an eyebrow at her as I checked out some ruby necklaces. "What's that supposed to mean?"

Cassandra answered with a shrug. "You never know with these shopping sprees."

"Oh, don't be silly, Cassandra!" Icarus said as he followed after the item of his unwanted attention. "I'm here to offer my fashion savvy. I shall stick to you like glue -Oh, check out the super-cool poster!"

Icarus suddenly stopped in his tracks, forcing Hercules to trip over him and fall on the ground as Icarus noticed a poster hanging up on a nearby pillar.

"Like glue, huh?" I muttered at Icarus.

"Check it out! Orpheus!" Icarus exclaimed.

"Is coming to town?" Herc finished as I helped him up.

"Isn't he like a big-shot musician?" I asked.

"Only the greatest musician of all time!" Icarus said in excitement. "This shall be the defining event of our generation!"

He gave Hercules a high-five, which proved to be a mistake as Herc's strength accidentally knocked Icarus into the air and tore up one of the banners for the Dionysia Festival, along with taking a few of the decorators down to the ground with him.

"Whoops, sorry." Hercules apologized.

"Tickets for that concert are going to sell out instantly." Cassandra pointed out as she looked at a few sea foam-green colored dresses.

"Well, then let's rock!" Icarus shouted as he got up and rushed back to Hercules, who instantly put him up on his shoulders.

"And roll!" the demigod added.

"Race you guys to the ticket booth?" I asked them competitively.

Hercules gave a confident smirk. "You're on!"

And we were off! Two boys and one girl in a race to the finish, but who would finish? Well, had Hercules and Icarus not run into a clothesline, a cop, and a pottery salesman, they would've won our little race. But they did, and I had managed to dodge all those obstacles and made it to the ticket booth. So, I was declared the victor, but I didn't really want to go to the concert, I just wanted to have a fun race with my friends before they got their tickets. It's more fun that way.

"And she wins!" I proudly declared as I arrived at the ticket booth before Hercules and Icarus, who had now arrived -out of breath and bearing impressed looks on their faces.

"Man, you're about as fast as a wildfire." Herc smiled as he caught his breath as he placed Icarus back down to the ground.

"Thanks." I winked at them. "Now, go! Get your tickets!"

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