The Spring of Canathus

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"Hey, can I get out now?" I asked from under a blanket as I hid in the wagon.

The blanket was then removed from on top of me, and I was able to breathe the fresh air after hiding for so long. You see, Hades had the imps and I try to kill Hercules, again, using a Cretan fire-breathing bull to do it. I hid in the wagon while the imps disguised themselves as an elderly couple so Herc would be none the wiser as he fought the bull. But judging by the bull's disappearance and no sign of any singed corpses, I could see that the plan didn't end up with any murder today.

"Sorry, Aria. Almost forgot you were there." Panic apologized as he helped me up.

"So, I take it the plan didn't work?" I asked nonchalantly.

"He did it again!" Pain yelled in frustration.

"He always does it again." Panic rolled his eyes.

Just then, a burst of flames appeared in front of us, and from them appeared Hades. Eager to know if the fire-breathing bull had killed his nephew once and for all. 

"So, minions, how goes Operation Bull? Good?" he asked us.

"Oh, the same as Operation Dragon, Operation Lion-" Pain listed as he hopped off the wagon.

"Operation Time Twist." I added, glaring at Hades for that stunt he pulled with the Tapestry of Fate a few months ago. 

He knew that I knew that he knew what had happened that day, but just didn't want to admit it. I was 98% sure of it. The other 2% is convinced that he probably did forget about it since time was fixed to the day before he got the idea to screw with the Tapestry.

"Oh, yeah, yeah. Don't forget about Operation Rabid Chicken." Panic cynically reminded as he got off the wagon.

"I told you that one wouldn't work!" Pain snapped.

"Dumbest one we ever thought of." I admitted as I hopped out of the wagon too. 

I'll spare you the details on that one since I never told you about it, nor was it ever shown in the show, but let's just say it's a miracle Panic didn't get rabies after that little incident.

"Okay, here's one: Operation Last Chance?! I want Hercules down for the count by sunset!" Hades suggested angrily before picking up the imps by their wings. "Or guess what? It's date night down under. Just you and one of my old flames!"

Hades then shot up into the air in another burst of flames, and the imps were sent falling back to the earth screaming.

I reacted by running around trying to catch them. "I gotcha! I gotcha! I got-!"

I was cut off when Pain landed right on top of me and knocked me to the ground. Just as I suspected, he and Panic were now burnt to crisps after that little outburst from Hades.

"Ow." both of the imps groaned.

"Told you I got you." I groaned as I rolled Pain off me. "You boys gonna be okay?"

"Give us an hour to regrow the skin." Panic groaned.

Once I stood back up and dusted off the ashy imp silhouette from my person, I felt Hades' presence behind me. I instantly turned around and gave my boss a sour look.

"What's with the look, fox?" he asked.

"Every time they screw up, you roast them." I told him as I pointed at the injured imps. "They don't deserve that kind of punishment."

"C'mon, I can't take my anger out on you. You're too young and pretty to get roasted." he said to me.

Oh, he did not just say that to me. If there was one thing I hated, it was being treated like a child. I practically felt my blood boil the second I heard him say that.

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