The All Nighter

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"Aria, wake up." a whisper said to me, attempting to wake me up.

"No," I muttered as I put my pillow over my head.

"Rise and shine, sleepyhead." I felt my body shaking side to side after the whisper said that.

"Not me." I muttered again, burying my face further into my pillow.

"Yes, you. C'mon get up." the shaking continued, growing more annoying.

"Leave me alone, dang it." I waved out my arm at my wake-up callers in a threatening manner -well, as threatening as a lazy person could be.

"Sorry, Aria, but you've given us no choice." the whisper said as it was getting louder.

"Don't care." I groaned.

Just as I was about to get more sleep, I felt a cold, and wet, feeling splash on my body. I shot up from the shock and cold and let out a scream from the surprise of the cold water. I ignored my soaking wet skin and bed and turned my attention towards the ones who were responsible for that unwelcoming wake up call. I saw Pain and Panic holding an empty bucket, flying up and above my head.

"We warned ya!" Panic said.

I gave them both a sadistic grin. "Oh, you two are gonna get it this time."

I jumped out of bed, held out my arms, and yelled: "Wet hugs!"

"Oh, gods, no!" the imps cried out, dropping the bucket as they tried to fly away.

I chased them all around my room before I grabbed them by their tails and pulled them in for a very cold, and soaking wet, hug. The cold water that I was drenched in was effectively getting on the imps' skin. Just as I planned it to.

"Ah, cold!" I heard Pain scream as he and Panic squirmed around in my grasp.

"Howya like that, ya weasels?" I asked them as I smirked.

"Okay, okay, we're sorry!" Panic started laughing at the situation."We won't do it again."

"Good." I said.

"Sorry for waking you up like that, but you're gonna be late for school!" Pain pointed out.

"What?!" I dropped them on the bed and went to check my phone, and when I saw that the time was 7:50, I felt my eyes pop out of my head. "Oh, shoot!"

I ushered the imps out of my room so I could quickly get ready for school -at least now I didn't have to worry about showering first before getting dressed thanks to the water bucket, but my hair will look like a complete wreck. Oh, well.

"Big hurry, huh?" Panic asked from behind the closed door.

"It's finals week!" I said as I finished getting dressed in record time, and then proceeded to fall to the floor trying to put my shoes on.


"Finals week: The suckiest week of the year." I sighed as I sat with Hercules, Icarus and Cassandra outside the school for some extra study time before our finals the next day. 

Thankfully, most of our classes weren't having finals -mainly shop, poetry, and art. We were busy studying for our history final, by far our hardest one because our teacher was super keen on making sure every assignment we do makes us fail his class, and while I was already confident in what would be on the exam and how well I'd do, Hercules was extremely worried about it and worried about our study guide.

"Agh! I'm never gonna memorize all these names in time for the final." Hercules gripped as he looked over his notes from class.

"It's easy!" Cassandra assured him. "You've just have to know a few tricks."

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