Aftermath Pt. 2

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It was nice to have a break from all the madness that happened to me within the few weeks I've been in Greece. Not to mention it felt nice being ungrounded. And at school the next day, everybody was talking about the sunset stopping. I admit, it was pretty cool, but they're living in Ancient Greece. It's not like they haven't seen weirder miraculous things.

Anyway, I was just about to put away my scrolls from history class in my locker when I got a surprise greeting.


I shrieked and dropped my scrolls. I turned and saw Hermes hovering behind me, holding what looked like a folded piece of paper.

"Sorry, babe. Didn't mean to scare ya." Hermes apologized.

"It's okay. Believe it or not, it's not the first time I got spooked by a god." I quickly recovered, hoping this wasn't going to be a thing every time I met a god, otherwise I'd be a second Panic.

"Lemme get that for ya." Hermes offered as he helped me pick up my scrolls.

"Thank you." I told him as he handed me my schoolwork before starting an apology. "Again, so sorry I bumped into you a few days ago. I wasn't looking where I was going."

"Hey, it's no biggie. That kinda stuff happens to the best of us, babe. Even I've ran into a few things from time-to-time." he assured me.

I gave a little cough. "So, uh, what brings you here?"

"Came here to give you this." he gave me the note, there was no name on it.

I thanked Hermes for the note, and he went flying off again. I had a feeling that I'd have more small conversations with him in the near future. Not that I would mind, really. He was one of my favorite gods in mythology and I enjoyed his character in the movie. I just found him so dang charming.

I looked back at the note he gave me. Thankfully, the Greek in this universe wasn't that difficult to translate, so I was able to read the note. Also, I may have gotten a little extra help from visiting Athena in her temple. She's pretty cool once you get to know her.

I began to read the note:


I don't know if you'll really want to,

But I would like to get to know you better.

If you're interested,

Please meet me by the statue outside of

School by sundown.

Signed, Anonymous'


"What's that?" Hades asked me.

It had nearly been an hour after I got home from school, and I kept staring at the note after I got my chores done for the day. Hades had found me in the kitchen reading the note for the 52nd time. I shrugged and answered his question.

"No idea. Hermes gave it to me today." I handed my boss the note so he could inspect it.

He flipped it over after reading it to try to find the sender's name. "No name?"

"Yeah, I thought that was pretty sketchy too." I admitted. "Can I go?"

"You know the rules."

"I know, but I've got all my chores done, all my homework's done, and I finished up the soul count for the day." I told him. "Can I please go?"

"Fine, okay. If it'll get ya to shut up." Hades handed the note back to me, but before I could grab it, he pulled it back with a sly smile curled on his face. "But there is one small -but ever so crucial- little, tiny detail..."

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