Aftermath Pt. 3

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"It's bad enough that you three let another live one in, but you didn't bother to tell me?!" Hades yelled at the imps and I.

He was pissed. There was no other way to put it in either. No light way, no pop culture reference to relate his anger to, none of that. Hades was just straight pissed at us. After he dragged us back to the Underworld from Thessaly, the imps and I knew that we were in serious trouble. Although, us ditching work for a whole day was probably how he found out about the whole living mortal being mistaken as a dead soul situation. Like I said before, Hades was smarter than most villains.

Panic was the first to try to explain why we did what we did. "But we-"

"Shut it!" Hades cut him off with a threatening flame up. "If I want an excuse, I'll torch it outta you."

The teal imp whimpered as he sank behind me for protection.

Hades' attention then went to me: the brains behind the operation. "Of all the stunts you pulled with them, this not only crosses the line -cause let's face it it's a dot from where you stand- you deliberately disobeyed me to save your hide!"

"In our defense, we didn't think you'd notice that we were missing." I said as I glared at him.

My boss huffed and then looked at the cowering imps that were poking their heads up from behind me: his next victims. "And as for you two-"

"Leave the imps out of this!" I furiously told him as I put my arm out to protect the imps. "Look, I was responsible for keeping them out of your flame, so if you wanna pin this on someone then pin this on me!"

Hades looked at me in complete fury. This wasn't the first time I've yelled at him, but when it comes to my friends and after all the crap we went through today, he doesn't mess with them after what we did.

"Last I checked, these morons didn't tell me the second another live mortal got in here, so I'll put them in this if I want to!" he yelled back at me. "These idiots mess things up, and that's why nothing works out."

That comment made me lose it. "Will you shut up about that?! It's not their fault they're scared of you! No wonder you can't kill Hercules yourself, you always have to rely on someone who's scared to death of you to do your dirty work!"

Hades glared at me as his flames quickly changed from yellow to red very fast. "You keep this act up and I'll ground you again."

"Go ahead, ground me! See if I care, you're not even my father!" I snapped at him. 

At that moment, I stormed up to my room, slammed the door behind me, and threw myself onto my bed to scream into my pillow.


Hades didn't even think about talking to me, and I didn't want to talk to him. I've always hated how he treated the imps, I just felt like it was time someone had to said something. But I guess I felt pretty guilty about yelling at Hades right in front of them. I hated having those two see me so angry, especially after how mad I was about that ex-king treating them horribly earlier. So, I was a mixture of anger and guilt.

I was so lost in thought; I almost didn't hear the knocking on my door.

"What?" I irritatedly asked, thinking it was Hades at the door.

"Uh, Aria, you okay?" Pain asked as he flew in with Panic.

My attitude quickly changed the moment I saw the imps. 

"I'm not in the mood, guys." I told them regretfully.

Panic landed next to me with a concerned look on his face. "The boss wanted us to check on you after-"

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