The Visit from Zeus

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"Hades, have you seen my geography project anywhere? I need it for my presentation at school." I asked my boss as I grabbed my satchel for school.

"Yeah, it's in here." I heard my boss' voice call out from a large opening in the Underworld. 

I found Hades standing next to a large model of the Grecian world: Mount Olympus, the Earth, and the Underworld. Also known as my geography project, and one that would surely get me an Alpha -that's an A in this timeline.

"Correct me if I'm wrong; but isn't this for one of my takeover plans?" Hades asked me as I grabbed a hold of the model.

"Hey, you're the one who said I could use it for my project." I snapped as I tried dragging the heavy model away.

Hades rolled his eyes. "Look, just have it in decent condition after your presentation, 'kay? Kinda need it for a scheming biz later."

"No promises, but I'll try." I told him.

A second later, he sent me up to school in the usual puff of smoke. I was really starting to hate that mode of transportation but, thankfully I arrive at school on time when he does it, so I guess it was okay. The cafeterium had been rebuilt to its former glory after the incident during the first week of school, so that meant that intern week had ended. On the plus side, I got a nice fat paycheck from Cool Issues, which I think would come in handy if the occasion calls for a little extra cash.

Several Hours Later

My day went as normal as it had been for the past few weeks, or as normal as living in Ancient Greece could be, and as the time came for 8th period geography, it was time to let my project shine.

"Hey, you guys!" I greeted Hercules and Icarus as I walked into the classroom, struggling to carry my project through the classroom door.

"Let me help you with that." Hercules insisted. I thanked him as he brought my project in alongside his and Icarus'.

"Thanks." I smiled.

"Whoa, is this your project?" Icarus asked as he stared at my project all slack jawed.

"Pretty cool right?" I told them as we looked at the model. "It's a diagram of the world."

"It's so detailed." Herc said in awe.

"Thanks." I said. "So, what'd you guys do?"

Hercules proudly showed me his project that consisted of a flat piece of wood with blue and green paint on it. "I made a map of the world."

"Wow, it's...flat." I said. I would've told him that the Earth was actually spherical, but it was better I didn't tell anyone that discovery just yet.

"Thanks." Herc smiled.


Our heads turned to see Adonis enter the classroom and his guards carry in a model volcano following him.

"A volcano? How childish." I remarked. "How much you wanna bet he didn't even make that himself?"

"Why bet? You know he didn't do it." Icarus told me. I really should consider telling him about the concept of rhetorical questions.

"Watch out! I've spent several, excruciating eighteen minutes hiring a professional to construct that model." Adonis announced.

"Oy, tell us something we don't know!" I remarked as I received high-fives from Hercules and Icarus, to which I was lucky my hand didn't break due to Herc's godly strength, but it did feel a little sore.

"Your geography projects are all lovely." our teacher Miss Cassiopeia told us as she walked around the classroom. "I will begin with grading Prince Adonis' model volcano."

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