The First Day of School

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"Come on, up, up, up."

"No. Let me sleep forever." I was still in bed and I mumbled as I turned around to ignore whoever was trying to wake me up early. 

I then felt something grab my torso, then lifted me up upside-down into the air above my bed. Thank God I was wearing spandex shorts underneath my oversized shirt.

"Hey!" I gave an angry look at Hades, who gave a smug look as he placed me down on the floor with his smoke-arms disappearing after doing so.

"Gets 'em every time." he smirked.

I got up off the floor and gave another groan. "Yeah right. Okay, I'm ready."

"Not without breakfast, you're not." Hades said as he left my room so I could get dressed. 

I found that statement weirdly kind for someone like him, but I decided that since he was technically my legal guardian during my stay that I'd ignore that.

Normally, I'd be screwed without the appropriate clothing in a new place, and Ancient Greece was no exception. But this was Disney, so luck will be on my side. And it was! Turns out, the chest at the foot of my bed had dozens of beautiful dresses just sitting in there catching dust. I'm not one for dresses, like at all, but that's what wearing running shorts underneath it is for. I made my decision with a beautiful sapphire-blue dress that hung off my left shoulder with a gold clasp and all tied together with a thick black band around my stomach and underneath my -well- chests. All going with a pair of super cute and really comfortable black sandals.

I decided to make some new adjustments to my hair as well. My choice of hairstyle would feel too out-of-place in this world, so my little braid couldn't make any appearance during this quest, and I needed to find a substitute for it. After digging through the chest a bit more, I found a black headband that went around my head, think of something similar to Princess Jasmine's headband without the jewel center, and it matched perfectly with my new look. Who knew Greece had such a fashion sense when it came to school attire?

Oh yeah, I should probably explain that bit too. Hades had applied me to the school Hercules went to as a teenager in the tv series, Prometheus Academy. He figured it'd be better for me to have a proper education while I was here to 'fit in' to the Grecian world, but mostly just to snoop on students who needed to strike a good deal with Hades or not. Was I excited about going to a new school? ABSOLUTELY NOT! But did I have to do this to get back home? Sadly yes.

But what concerned me the most was that Hades apparently didn't seem to know that Hercules goes to Pro Ac. I knew he knew that Hercules was still alive during all this, but he acted as if he had no idea whatsoever. Something smelled fishy about that whole ordeal, but I felt it best to keep my mouth shut.

After getting dressed, I grabbed my satchel and made my way downstairs to search for the kitchen to find myself some breakfast. I ended up finding it after smelling eggs cooking and seeing what looked like egg yolk and shells leading into an open room. And lo and behold, I saw Hades making breakfast in the kitchen and the imps setting one place on the table.

"Good morning, Aria." Panic greeted me as I walked in the kitchen. 

I gave him and Pain little pats on the head as my way of greeting them.

"You nervous?" Pain asked me.

I shook my head as I sat down. "Can't be any different from my other school. At least at Pro Ac I'll be mostly interested in what I learn."

Hades then placed a plate of eggs and bacon down in front of me on the table. I stared at the food with an apprehensive look, remembering the Underworld food/beverage rule I relearned the other day with the water. Hades was the first to notice my inability to eat the food as soon as I got it.

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