The Drama Festival

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"Okay, here he comes. You guys ready?"

"Ready!" my imp friends said in unison.

It had been almost a week since Hecate's attack, and so far, no one's heard of her or what she's planning. She was either waiting for the right moment to attack or she finally got the idea that nobody was giving up the Underworld to some wiatch anytime soon. I for one was waiting for her to make her move. I wanted her to think what I was going to do to her, because I would do something much, much worse.

Sorry for ranting about revenge. Let's get back to the story:

The three of us waited patiently for our Hades to find outside the secret door that had been hidden in the Underworld for who knows how long. We found something hidden in that secret lab that we just knew he'd want to use for an Olympus take over plan -also I knew this because I practically begged my mom to tape this episode on our old VHS player. And once Hades finally saw us standing by the door, I was excited for him to see what we found.

"What's with the smiles?" he asked us. "What's so amusing?

"Oh, you're gonna love what we've got for you." I told him with a wide smirk.

"Yeah, just hang on to your flame, boss!" Panic chipped in.

"You are in for a big surprise!" Pain added.

"Behold, the eighth wonder of the Underworld!" I declared.

Just then, the door to the secret room opened up as Pain introduced it. "Welcome to the Underworld Research and Development Department!"

"Après vous." Panic excitedly said to Hades. 

And in case you're wondering, no I didn't teach him how to speak French. That little weasel of an imp stole my French notebook that I accidentally brought from back home and self-taught himself how to speak it. I had to admit I was impressed when I found out.

Anyway, back to the nore interesting plot. I led my boss down a long flight of stairs into a room full of unfinished inventions, weapons, and rare artifacts. It was actually pretty cool if you think about it.

"So how come I wasn't told about this place?" Hades asked us.

"Plausible deniability, sir!" Pain said.

"Uh-huh." Hades said cynically before asking another question. "And how did you three find it?"

Pain and I shared nervous looks. The imps and I found this secret lab by accident while we may have been screwing around and having a water sack fight -this world's equivalent of a water balloon fight- instead of working.

"Found it while feeding the harpies." we both finally lied in unison.

Panic ran over to a large box: the very thing we knew Hades would be interested in. "What we have here will blow the lid off the whole god squad!"

"A box? Pandora's?" Hades asked.

"Better." I smiled as the first box was lifted to reveal a second one.

And with a snap of my fingers, Panic whacked the box twice with a skeleton arm, and as it fell down, the imps and I bared large Alastor-like grins when the rare item in the box was finally in Hades' sight: A pedestal with a glowing green stone -that to me looked like Kryptonite- and was shielded by a glass top.

"Mmm-hmm. It's, uh, it's a rock." Hades stated as he started to grow frustrated at this apparent oversight. "You dragged me to your secret lab for a lump?"

"Check it out!" Pain insisted. 

He then handed Panic and I safety goggles and once the three of us put them on, the glass top was removed. The stone gave off a powerful glow that was causing Hades to feel very drowsy.

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