Aftermath: Part 4

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A bright light shone above. I couldn't tell where I was, all that I knew was that I was somewhere safe and warm. Four very blurry figures then appeared all around me, two taller and two much shorter. All looking down at me.

"Look, she woke up!" a distorted voice said.

Two tiny, yet strangely visible, hands reached up to the blurry figures; the hands were baby's hands. The taller figure on the left reached down, their face still unrecognizable from the fuzziness of my vision and spoke in a softer distorted voice that sounded just like my mother.

"Come here, my little princess..."

I shot up from my bed gasping.

It happened again. That stupid vision -no, scratch that. I was certain it was a memory. The same memory I saw when I first came to this world had come back after being dormant for so long. I hadn't had another one of those memories for weeks, so why was it now starting to come back to me? Was screwing with the Tapestry of Fate the reason behind it? Why was this particular memory so important? All I knew was something was up. That memory had to mean something, but I didn't know what.

But I knew exactly who did.

I crept out of my room, carefully making sure I didn't wake Hades up. The last thing I needed was to wake my angry god-guardian while I was sneaking out at 3 a.m., so the silent act needed to be performed. I couldn't sneak out by having Charon ferry me. He can be a bit of a motormouth and would snitch on me the next time he ferried Hades. Not to mention that Cerberus would literally wake the dead if he saw me leave, so I needed an alternative escape route.

I tiptoed my way to the imps' shared room. If anyone would be willing to help me get to the Fates, it'd be them. I carefully opened the door of the imps' shared bedroom and walked over to their beds. Determined to get them to help me.

"Guys, guys, wake up!" I whispered as I shook them awake. 

No response came from either one of the sleeping imps.

"Guys, wake up!" I repeated a little more aggressively as I tried to shake the imps harder just to wake them up.

Panic was the first one to wake up, followed by Pain, and the little imps looked at me with tired eyes.

"...Aria?" Panic asked as he rubbed an eye. "What time is it?"

"Late." I answered.

"Then go back to bed." Pain said as he waved me off and rolled back over.

"I can't." I told them.

"Why? You didn't have another -what'd you call it? A UA dream again, did you?" Panic yawned.

"It's AU, bud. And no." I shook my head before I explained to them my dream. "Do you guys remember when I first came here, and I told you that I saw something when I sat on Hades' throne?"

"Yeah, why?" Panic asked.

"It happened again." I said.

This got Pain's attention. The moment he heard me tell Panic that, he woke back up. 

"In your sleep?" he asked me.

I nodded before telling them both what I wanted them to do for me. "I need you guys to take me to the Fates. I need to ask them what this memory means."

"C'mon, you know that won't be possible. It takes a lot of bribery and flattery to get them to tell anyone anything about the future." Panic told me.

"But my vision wasn't about the future." I admitted. "I think it was about the past. It was a memory."

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