The Driving Test

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"I can see it." Hades started to ramble. "I can smell it. But I can't touch it!"

Hades was standing in front of one of the throne room's giant ocular-esque windows and was looking over at the Elysium Fields: the blissful resting place of heroes and other do-gooders and basically the Ancient Greek version of Heaven. I was with him because I was still grounded from the incident regarding Zeus turning himself mortal a few days before. Today, however, Hades was complaining because he couldn't step foot in the Fields.

"The ritziest country club in the universe is just a brimstone's throw away!" he took out a hunk of brimstone from his shirt and hurled it towards the border between the River Styx and the Elysium Fields, watching it bounce off some sort of force field the moment it was near the Fields.

"And it's restricted." Hades gripped.

"Yeah, too bad Zeus set it up so you can never go in." Pain stated.

Hades glared down at him. 

The magenta imp realized his mistake in saying that and tried to recover his wording. "Uh, did I say, "too bad"? I meant that it's a crying shame." 

Hades responded to the magenta imp with an angry flare up.

Pain gulped. "An affront to the very cosmos?"

Cue in another angry flare up from our boss, and Pain hid himself behind me. I turned to see my friend peeking out from behind me like a scared kid.

"Maybe you should think about what you say next time, bud." I told him.

"Mind the store, minions. I'm going upstairs." Hades said before he disappeared in a puff of smoke while Pain came out from his hiding place and wiped sweat from his brow.

Panic, who remained silent during that little situation, decided to speak up to ask me a question. "Want us to stall for you in case he gets back early?"

I gave each imp a hug before heading out myself. "You're the best."

You see, I wasn't going to let my punishment be a boring one. So, I knew the moment Hades left, I'd be free to go to the surface to meet up with friends. And lucky for me, Pain and Panic were actually really good at stalling.


I arrived at Speedy Pita, a Sonic-like restaurant where my schoolmates sometimes hang out. And they invited me to hang out with them for dinner. I walked into the lot and saw Hercules, Icarus, and Cassandra sitting at a table, waiting for either me or their food to arrive.

"Hey, you guys!" I greeted as I walked up to them.

"Nice of you to join the party." Icarus greeted with a smile.

"You kidding? There's no way in Hades that I would miss out on hanging with my friends." I said as I sat down between him and Cassandra.

"I ordered you some chicken falafel." Hercules told me. "I hope that's okay."

"Uh, yeah it is." I told him.

Icarus grinned as he saw the waitress come up to our table with our food. "Ah. I love the night life. People from near and far, joining together in a public form for one common goal: To ignore us completely."

"I second that, my good man." I raised a falafel as a toast before popping it into my mouth.

"Oh, look, It's Helen." Cassandra said before she ate her food. "The face most likely to launch an international conflict."

Hercules, Icarus, and I turned and did see Helen arrive in a pink chariot with red hearts. Helen had told me a while ago that she had been working to get her driver's license for months, and now her hard work has finally paid off.

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