Deal with the Devil

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Hades' POV

"You brought a live one into the Underworld?!"

The girl dodged my flames as they went off all over the throne room. That's twice Pain and Panic let a living mortal in the Underworld because they thought she was dead. The girl had to be about fifteen years old, wore clothes like she took sewing lessons after looking at one of Arachne's webs, had brown hair, and yellow eyes that reminded me of a fox's. She was the least of my concern at that moment, who I was really flamed off at were my whimpering minions.

"Sometimes I think the only thing you two are good for is target practice." I told them as I ignited my hand for another fireball and was ready to take the shot.

"No, don't hurt them!"

The girl had run from her little hiding spot and jumped between me and the imps. No mortal -and I'm tellin' ya- NO mortal has ever had the guts to pull that stunt off, especially some little girl who -need I remind you- wasn't even supposed to be here in the first place! But, hey, I'm a decent god. I don't go around flaming little girls without a good reason. So, I instantly dissipated my fireballs and cooled my flames down low enough to still make sure the little she-yutz knew that I was not happy.

"Excuse me?" I questioned the little fox-eyed brat.

Aria's POV

I felt a wave of stage fright wash over me as everyone stared at me for what I did. I wasn't normally a reckless person. Heck, I wasn't one to stand up to a lesser deity either -I say this because I'm Methodist- but I couldn't just let Hades hurt Pain and Panic for something I did. They didn't deserve to be punished for my actions. But seeing Hades stare at me, looking right through my very soul, I practically froze. There was just something about standing in his presence, fully knowing what he could do to me just by looking at his appearance, that made me want nothing more than to beg the Fates to send me home.


This was no time to be scared. This was not the time to run away. I wasn't a little kid anymore; I'm not scared of Hades. I swallowed my fear and managed to get a full sentence to come out of my mouth.

"L-look, you can take this out on me. Be mad at me, just please, don't hurt the imps!" I finally begged.

"Apart from sneaking around the Underworld and sitting on my throne, give me one good reason why I shouldn't hurt you." he threatened as he gritted those shark-like teeth of his.

I hesitated. I knew I couldn't lie to him. If there was one thing I knew about Hades, other than the fact that he's a fast-talking sleazeball with the emotional range of a teaspoon who's stuck with a sucky job, was that he was smarter than most villains. He was the freaking god of the Underworld; the one responsible for judging souls to assign them to their afterlives. To determine whether they're being truthful or deceitful like a courtroom judge, so he'd know if I was lying or not. I had no choice but to tell the truth.

"Because I was hurt, and they brought me here to fix me up. They told me to stay hidden, but I let my curiosity get the better of me, and I'm so sorry about that." I answered, making sure that last part was heard loud and clear by the imps.

I gave a sigh before finishing my pleading statement. "But I also needed to come down here. I wanted to talk to you."

"Care to explain why you needed to be down here?" Hades ordered in an annoyed tone. "Cause, if you needed to strike a deal, we could've done it topside."

"This particular deal is difficult to explain." I spoke.


Well, I guess this is the part when I start explaining.

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