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VECNA'S CURSE━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ CHAPTER TWO

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Lenora, California
March 22, 1986

" FLIGHT 623 JUST LANDED FROM INDIANAPOLIS " An attendant announced over the PA. "And will be arriving at gate two"The attendant added. The announcement made Y/n even more nervous, she smiled as she looked at Will. The two smile at each other, waiting for Mike's arrival.

Y/n's eyes widened as she spots a boy that seems familiar to her, she slowly stands up. "Mike!"She yelled as she waved. "Ah!"Mike smiled as he saw his best friends and of course his girlfriend. Y/n smiled brightly, letting out a few chuckles as she ran towards Mike. She opened her arms out as Mike quickly hugged her while giving her a kiss.


"Oh, careful, careful, careful! You're squishing your present!"Mike said as Y/n pulled out of the hug. "It's a gift. I, uh—I handpicked those for you in Hawkins"Mike removed his sunglasses as Y/n smiled even more. "I know you like y/favcolor, but now I'm realizing it's too much y/favcolor"He said as Y/n looked at the little note attached to it.

" TO N/N.

"I know you also like y/favcolor, so I got y/favcolor as well"Mike said as Y/n became a bit more serious as she saw "from Mike." "So I kinda did, like, a 70/30 split kinda thing"Mike said. "They're perfect! Thank you"Y/n smiled. "Oh! Oh! Hey, How you doing?"Mike hugged Will. "Hi Mike!"El smiled as Mike hugged her as well. "Hey! How's it going?"

He greeted Jonathan, Mike turned his head to Will as he noticed he was holding something. "Great. Uh. what's that?"Mike asked. "Um, it's nothing. Just this painting I've been working on"Will responded. "Cool"Mike nodded. "That's a rad shirt, man"Argyle said causing Mike to look.

"Ocean Pacific?"Argyle asked. "Oh, hey, Mike. This is, uh, my friend Argyle"Jonathan introduced Mike to Argyle. "Oh, hey!"Mike put his hand out for Argyle to shake but ended up receiving a hug from him. "Oh no, no, no"Argyle said as he checked the tag. "No, it's a shitty knockoff. Yeah."

"But don't sweat it. I'll get you the good threads out here"Argyle says as he smiled. "I heard a lot about your sister"Argyle said as Mike looked at Jonathan. "Uh.."Jonathan raised his shoulders then cleared his throat. "O-Okay. Um, should we go?"Jonathan asked. "Yeah, this is kinda awkward, man."

"Yeah, so awkward"Mike said as he put his arm around Y/n. "I really thought it was Ocean Pacific"Argyle said as the group started walking. "I have our whole day planned out! First, El Rodeo for burritos!"Y/n smiled. "What, really? Burritos for breakfast?"Mike asked as he smiled. "Yes. Trust me!"

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