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SUBJECT 004━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━  CHAPTER ONE

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Hawkins, Indiana
August 15, 1983

THE GIRL WITH A BUZZCUT ran quickly as possible into the forest running away from the lab she came from. She hated that lab with all her heart. "Four!"A male's voiced echoed. Her heart was beating faster and faster, scared she'll get captured. The girl tripped over a rock causing her to fall down a small hill. "Four! Come back! You'll regret this!"

Another male yelled. She stood up and saw a small cave to hide in for the rest of the day.Four quickly crawled into the cave as she tried catching her breath. She shut her eyes closed tightly, trying to calm herself down. Four pulled her knees to her chest as she slowly started falling asleep.


A group of boys entered the forest looking for some rocks to use in a project of theirs. "Don't wander to far guys! We'll get lost!"A curly haired boy yelled. "Oh come on Dustin! You know we're not that dumb to get lost"A boy scoffed. "Lucas you never know! Someone can snatch us!"Dustin smiled as he elbowed Lucas.

"Guys over here! I think I found some good rocks near this cave!"A other boy yelled. "We're coming, Mike!"Dustin, Lucas, and a boy with a bowl cut went to Mike.

"Will didn't you say you wanted a big one? I found one!"Mike handed him a big rock. "Oh damn! Thanks Mike!"Will smiled brightly as Mike nodded in response. Some noise was coming from the cave they were next too. "You guys hear that..?"Lucas asked.

"WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?!"Dustin yelled as he saw a girl with a buzzcut come out of the cave.
The boys scream in fear as they back up. "I think she's scared..?"Mike said as he noticed the girl shaking.

"Are you okay?"Mike asked. "No"She replied as she shook her head. "She looks like she hasn't eaten in days!"Dustin eyes widened. "Why don't we get her some food then..?"Will looked at Dustin. "Lucas! Dustin! Go get some food!"Mike yelled. "Ugh! Fine but we're never helping a weirdo like this again!"Lucas rolled his eyes as Dustin and him head off. "Do you have a name?"Will asked the girl.

Four always wanted to be called Y/n. She saw the name in a book at the lab once, since than she wanted that to be her name. "Y/n"She responded. "Well Y/n! I'm Mike and this is Will"Mike looked at Will. Y/n smiled a bit as she looked at Will. "Umm..so why are you here and in a hospital gown?"Mike raised an eyebrow.

Y/n didn't answer Mike at all. "Well okay, you don't have to answer at all.."Mike added. "Mike, are we gonna leave her here by herself?"Will asked. "None of us can take her inside our house.."Mike sighed as he looked at Y/n. "We can't leave her to starve here.."Will added.


Time has passed after Mike and Will do some thinking. They had made a little makeshift fort for Y/n. "Thank you"She smiled brightly. "Of course! Dustin and Lucas should be back by now with your food.."Mike said. "Everyday in the morning, afternoon, and night! I'll bring you food!"Mike added.

Y/n's eyes widened as she smiled even more. "I'll bring some blankets and pillows ALSO! clothes for you! I know it's not much but we'll also tell the police about you soon!"Mike smiled back at her.Y/n furrowed her eyebrows as she shook her head. "No what..?"Will titled his head. "No police"She shook her head.

"Why not? The police will help you!"Mike's smiled slowly faded. "WE BROUGHT FOOD!!"Dustin yelled as he saw the fort that was made. "Here you go! I brought you some meat and rice it's not much but I tried!"Dustin said as he handed Y/n the food.

Y/n ate the food so fast causing her to start choking. "Hey! slow down!"Mike chuckled. "Lucas couldn't come back..his mom was telling him to come home"Dustin said. "Oh alright! that's fine I have to go soon as well"Mike said as he looked at Dustin. "I'll be heading off now! see you guys tomorrow"Dustin left the trio.

"Wait up! I have to go as well!"Will ran to Dustin. Y/n gulped hard as Mike sat in front of her."Why don't you want the police to help?"Mike asked as he looked at her. "Police..will take me"Y/n tried explaining to Mike. "Take you where?"Mike furrowed his eyebrows. "Back to papa! Papa's bad! Bad! He will hurt me!"Y/n started freaking out.

"Okay! Okay! I won't tell anyone!"Mike reassured her. "Why does your papa hurt you?"Mike asked.
"Papa doesn't like when I don't use my.."Y/n became hesitant."Hmm? He doesn't like when you use what..? A toy?"Mike raised an eyebrow. "My..powers.."Y/n looked at Mike.

"Powers? Eh okay..!"Mike didn't seem to believe her. "Yes powers! l—don't lie!"Y/n yelled. "Eh I don't know"Mike scratched his head. "Look.."Y/n put her hand out as she made multiple rocks float. "W-WHAT?!"Mike yelled.

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