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THE BATHTUB━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ CHAPTER SEVEN

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Hawkins, Indiana
November 10,1983

" GUYS! IT'S LUCAS, I THINK HE'S IN TROUBLE " Dustin panted as he yelled. "Do you remember how he said he was looking for the gate?"Dustin asked as the two follow him, he picked up the walkie-talkie. "Yeah"Mike looked at him. "What if he found it?"Dustin asked as Lucas shouts indistinctly on the radio.

"What's he saying?"Mike shook his head as he grabbed the walkie-talkie. "I don't know, he's way out of range"Dustin responded. "..son of a bitch!"
"Lucas, if you can hear us, slow down! We can't understand you"Mike says into the walkie-talkie. "Yes, I copy! Do you?"Lucas yelled.

"They know about Eleven!"Lucas yelled. "Get out of there! They know about Eleven!"Lucas yelled as he panted. "The bad men are coming! All of them! Do you hear me? The bad men are coming!"Lucas shouted. "Mad hen" Does that mean anything to you?"Dustin asked. "Like a code name or something?"

"The bad men are coming!"Lucas shouted again. "Bad men"Mike said softly. "Bad men!"Mike shouted into Dustin's face. "Stay here"Mike put down the walkie-talkie as him and Dustin run upstairs. They look out the window to see a van that read "Hawkins Power and Light."

"What's that guy doing?"Mike asked. "You don't think.."Dustin looked at Mike. Mike ran into the kitchen to see his mom on the phone, "Mom!"Mike yelled. "Well, is he home?"Karen asked as she stammered. "Maybe you could ask him?"She says, "Mom!"Mike yelled. "I'm sorry, can you just hold on,

"Michael, I'm on the phone I've told you a million times—"Karen gets cut off by Mike. "Did you schedule any repairs?!"Mike asked. "What?"Karen asked. "Is there anyone supposed to come and do repairs on the house?"Mike asked again. "I don't understand. Is there something wrong—"

"No, Mom, nothing's wrong in the house"Mike cuts her off again. "Mike!"Dustin ran into the kitchen. "One second"Mike says. "Mike!"Dustin shouted causing Mike to look at him. "We need to leave.. right now"Dustin said as he panted and left the kitchen. "Micheal?!"

"If anyone asks where I am, I've left the country!"Mike said as he ran back to the basement. The two start putting their jackets and backpacks on. The three run outside the basement exit door and quickly get their bikes then start to run. Mike makes a quick stop as El gets on the back of his bike.

El furrowed her eyebrows as she saw Dr.Brenner. She slowly starts to frown as she looks at him. "Go, go, go, go, go, go!"Dustin yelled as they start pedaling. "Oh, my God, Oh, my God"Dustin repeated as he kept pedaling. "Dustin! Dustin, do you copy?"Lucas said through the walkie-talkie. "Yeah, Lucas, they're on us."


Y/n sniffled as she slowly started to wake up. "Will?"Y/n looked around but didn't see him. "S-Sorry, I'm here.."Will stammered as he came out the fort. Y/n looked at the wooden sticks she set on fire earlier but they weren't on fire anymore. "T-The fire went out."

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