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THE NINA PROJECT━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ CHAPTER FIVE

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Ruth, Nevada
March 25, 1986

Y/N AND EL WAKE UP TO THE CAR JOLTING. "Apologies for the bumpy ride, kiddos"Owens said as he looked back at the two. "I would've paved the road, but..kinda ruins the whole ' top secret location' thing"Owens smiled. El and Y/n smiled as they looked at him.

"Did you both get some rest?"He asked. "Kinda"Y/n said then Owen looked at El. "A little"El said, her voice was a bit raspy. "Good, I have feeling you both are gonna need it"Owens nodded then looked back at the road.

The car finally comes to a stop in-front of a door. Owens and the two girls step out of the door. The girls follow Owens as he walks to the door. Owens presses the digits on the keypad, the door chimes as it opens. Owens let's Y/n and El enter first then him, he closes the door behind him.

They go down the steps and enter the elevator. "Okay. Here we go"Owens said. "You guys didn't really think we were working out of a shed, did you?"He asked as the elevator began to go down. The elevator comes to a stop and the doors open, Y/n and El exit the elevator first.

Owens follows behind them as they pass by a security guard. "You built all this?"El asked as she looked at Owens. "Well, more gave it a face-lift"He answered as the three walk down the middle tunnel. "Do you know what an ICBM is?"He asked.

"It stands for intercontinental ballistic missile"He added. "It's a..a fancy bomb"Owens said. "We used to store them in these silos, but we haven't used this one in years"He explained. "In fact, there..there's no bomb here at all."

"It's just a big ol' empty space"He added. "So we repurposed it to hold something much more powerful than a missile: you two"He pointed at them. "Anne, Tracy. Morning"He greeted the workers. "Morning, doc."

"You'll have to forgive the staring. You both are bit of celebrities down here"He smiled a bit. "We are?"Y/n asked. "Oh yeah, you kidding?"Owens asked. " guys are bigger than Madonna to them"He smiled. "They've all given up their lives, their jobs, their families to come work on this program, 'cause they believe in the cause."

"They believe in you two"He added. A security guard opens a door as it buzzes. "It's okay. Yeah"Owen said as Y/n looked back at him. "We call her Nina"Owen says as the two girls look at the workers and the machinery. "What is it?"El asked as she looked up.

"If we told you, it would ruin the surprise"A man said as someone on the top floor's footsteps were heard. El and Y/n look up to see a man walking. Y/n furrowed her eyebrows a bit as she saw Dr.Brenner on the edge of the steps. "Hello, Four"Dr.Brenner smiled. "Hello, Eleven."

"I know"He said as he walked down the steps. "You both are frightened of me"Dr.Brenner added. Y/n automatically grabbed El's hand tightly, "Perhaps, in our time apart, you may have even grown to hate me"He said. "But all I've ever wanted to do is to help you."

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