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GONE━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ CHAPTER FIVE

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Hawkins, Indiana
August 29, 1983


" WE CAN FINALLY REPLACE 004 " Dr.Brenner grinned as he looked at Y/n. "Dr.Brenner, are you sure?"The doctor asked as he  looked at Y/n. "Yes I'm sure"Dr.Brenner said. "We'll replace them with her"Dr.Brenner pointed at Y/n.

"I don't think she'll be able to handle these experiments, She's only 6"The doctor said."Just do it"Dr.Brenner raised his voice a bit. "Y-Yes, Y-Yes, Dr.Brenner"The doctor nodded as he left the room.

"Papa? What are they—gonna do to me?"Y/n asked. "Just a small experiment, it'll be quick"Dr.Brenner answered as he patted her back.


Y/n furrowed her eyebrows as she thought about Dr.Brenner. "Y/NNNNNNN!!!"Mike ran down the stairs, no one was at home except for the two so he was able to yell out her name. "Huh?"Y/n exited the tent as she saw Mike smiling. "The others are coming over today!"Mike said as he walked over to her.

"Will,Dustin, and Lucas?"Y/n smiled as she looked at Mike. "Yeah! We could do something fun, you know!"Mike smiled as he heard the door bell ring. "OH! That's them! Come on!"Mike grabbed her hand as the two ran up the stairs. Mike let go of her hand and opened the door. "HEYYY!!"Dustin smiled as he entered. "Hey Guys!"Will smiled. "Hellooo"Lucas greeted them.

"So what do you guys wanna do first?!"Mike smiled as he closed the door. "Oh well..I was thinking we could go to the forest? I wanted to test out my new slingshot!"Lucas smiled. "Yeah! Yeah!! I wanna see that thing in action!"Dustin smiled. "Alright then! Let me just grab my jacket and we'll head on out"Mike said as he started heading upstairs. "Mike.."Y/n said as he turned around. "What's wrong?"Mike asked.

"I don't have—those.."Y/n pointed at Mike's shoes. "Oh! That's fine, Nancy's old shoes should be in her closet, Come on!"Mike led Y/n to Nancy's room. He opened Nancy's closet and picked out a random pair of her old shoes. "You think these fit?"Mike asked which Y/n shrugged in response. "Try them on"Mike said. Y/n put on the shoes and surprisingly fit perfectly. "Go downstairs with the others! I'll be right down."

Y/n nodded as she went down the stairs. "Y/n! Y/n! Do that thing again with the forks and spoons! that you did last time"Dustin smiled. "Uh, Okay!"Y/n smiled as she looked at the kitchen. "I'm ready!"Mike went down the stairs. "Ah man, Maybe next time!"Will said as he looked at the two. "Alright, LETS GO!"Lucas exited the house with the group.


Rocks were floating in the air as Lucas tried to find a perfect one. "Maybe this one?"Will asked as Lucas looked at the one Will pointed at. "Nah, it's way to big for it"Lucas answered. "How about this one?"Mike asked. "It's very small for the slingshot"Lucas sighed. "Okay, this one?"Dustin asked.

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