Chapter Five

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Erin's POV

Knowing my life was changing from here on now I didn't mind to be honest, because I felt it was going to be a good change except the part where I don't have money at all and have no way to pay Niall back for the money I own him. "Come on guys we are going to be late" Harry shouted from down statirs "coming" I shouted back as I zipped up my jacket and pulled up my jeans from yesterday sadly I was still wearing the cloths from yesterday because well i didn't want to tell Niall 'oh hey can we like totally go shopping because I need new cloths' I can't even afford to give him back the money for buying me and my kids our cloths. "Here I'll take him down" Niall said, gusturing to Alex as I saw my baby boy playing with his own little foot. Smiling I noded and picked up Nicole as Niall picked up Alex and we walked down stairs together "come on guys we don't have all day."

"Sorry we were just getting the kids" Niall said "shit I just rembered we don't have car seats" Harry cussed "its fine well hold them in the back and if they stop us then who cares." "Fuck it, we are running late let's go" Harry said as he opened the door and held it for us to walk out as he closed the door behind us. Harry opened the car door for me then went around to the other side were niall had already entered the car as Harry got in and started the car getting and sitting down I put my seatbelt on. "Sorry guys hold on I will be driving a little fast I know i m not supossed to do that but we are running late" Harry said getting out of the drive way as I just nodded at him and gave him a quite alright. Staring out the widow and focusing on what was happening in other peoples lives as we drove by it was it bit interesting. Seeing people stress out because it was late for their jobs which sucks because its six in the morning. The next group of people I spotted where the people that were he adding back home, which may I add looked like they had a very rough night because of the look on their faces. The last group was the stressed and happy moms that had to wake up early and had to take their kids to school some had teens in the back some had calm little ones and some had excited little toddlers which made me smile at the thought of taking to school my kids to school.

Smiling I looked down at Nicole who was still sound asleep as she slitetly moved her lips at times dreaming that she still had her bottle in her mouth. Looking over at Niall and Alex I saw how Niall stuck his tougue out as my baby boy struggled to copy Nialls actions but then accomplishing them after the tundreth try "Niall don't teach him that then he's going to do that to me all the time" I told him "opps to bad he's a very fast learner" Niall laughed as he sat Alex up and they both looked out the window. The rest of the car ride was Niall talking about some people that I was going to meet that were also in a band named Five Summer something I think and how they all have girlfriends who are following them on tour and so will I and stuff and he knows I'll be great friends I really wasn't paying attention the only thing I was thinking about as I'm going somewhere else's that's isn't here. "We are here lads ills get the stuff and Niall get one suitcase and we'all all then head inside because the plane is leaving in five mintues now run" Harry said getting the luggage put of the back as we all rushed to our flight. Walking past so many people who just arrived or are stressed out because they haven't gotten on there plane yet. "Guys I found it its over there come on" Harry said as he pointed to our flight walking over we got checked though big machines and the finally the lady took our tickets and got we got seated in the plane.

"Fuck that was so fucken frustrating" Harry said as he Niall and I sat in the same row I getting the window seat with Nicole playing with her hands on my lap, Harry sitting in the middle, and Niall with Alex in his lap getting the isle seat. "Wow seems like it was for you why don't you sleep till we get there" I told him as he chuckles dimples bearly in view "oh love i've had more expicence of this then you trust me you will knock out as soon as we land if you don't want that I suggest you sleep now" he said. "Excuse me we are about to take off plaese turn off any cellular devices thank you" the lady who I'm guessing worked here came and told us both Niall and Harry pulled there Phone out of their pockets and turned them off "is yours off" Niall looked over at me as I just stared at him for a moment. "I don't have one" I finally responded he then dramatically pretended to faint "how do you live" he said while still in his fainting postion "its called having a life Niall" I told him "oh burn she told you Niall" Harry laughed dimples fully in show this time "whatever" Niall said turning Alex around who was sticking his tougue out at me. Feeling the plane take off was the best thing in the world it feels so amzing its like a feeling I can't even explain. "Ok enough jiber jaber Erin I was serouis go to sleep your going to be tried as hell when we land if you don't sleep now, now sleep" he said taking Nicole away from my lap and putting her on his as she started to clap setting my head on the window I closed my eyes and tried to imagine what my whole new life was going to be like.

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