Chapter Sixteen

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Erin's POV

Waking up from my little nap I rubbed my eyes and yawned "good morning sleepy head" I heard Calum's voice turning around I saw he was on the bed with me and my kids were on the other one. "Morning?" I questioned "well when you took a little nap" he said using his fingers as quotation marks around the word little "turns out you knocked out cold and didn't wake up till now so I put the kids to sleep and I climbed in bed and fell asleep myself" he said as I took in and played the events in my head "sorry."
"What do you mean" confusion written all over his face "well yesterday if I remember correctly you said you wanted yo go somewhere and I kinda ruined your plans because I took my long ass nap." I explained feeling bad for running his plans "no its fine we could go today I was just gonna take you guys for a walk around New York maybe visit the Empire State Building" he spoke letting the words flow out of his month.

"ARE YOU SERIOUS" I yelled as he jumped slightly getting scared, "what is wrong with you" he asked one eyebrow raised "everything" "ohmygod if you wounldve told me we were in New York Last night I would have never tooken that nap" I beamed with exciment as Alex and Nicole started to cry "oh my babies I'm so sorry I yelled" I said picking up Alex as he quickly got up and picked up Nicole who stripped crying as soon as Calum picked her up, what a daddy's girl, on the other hand Alex was very fussy and wouldn't stop crying until I bounced him up and down for a bit.
"I'm sorry its just your dad had to mention that we were in New York" I said talking to my kids "its not my fault you yelled" he defended himself immediately. "Are we still gonna go? Are we gonna go?" I asked feeling like I was a little kid. "Sure get dressed" he said as I stood up happily and set Alex down running to my suitcase and getting clothes out for him and Nicole. I first grabbed Alex and changed his dipper then I put some baby cream and started to dress him he wore pants with a white shirt, green jacket and a scar with his little brown boots. "Here do his hair while I change her" I told Calum as we exchanged kids. I grabbed Nicole and did the same with her except, obviously different clothes, she worked little shorts with a brown belt long white socks and her brown uggs a black and white shirt and her brown sweater. "Calum " I yelled not knowing were he ran off to" "yes" he popped his head from the bathroom door. Get dressed while I do her hair bring me Alex so I can watch him while you dress" I commanded as he did what he was told after doing my daughters hair Calum soon came out with black jeans a big sweater and a grey beanie.

"There I got them go change" he stated "actually I'm gonna shower" I smiled as I grabbed two towels and headed to the restroom. As soon as I locked the door I started getting nude and turned the water on. Jumping in I did my shower routine and got out in no more the thirty minutes grabbing my towels I wrapped one around my hair and the other around my body. "Shit" I cussed remembering that I had left my clothes in the bedroom. Sucking it up I got out of the shower with the towel wrapped around my body and simply went to my suitcase only to find clothes on my bed with a little note.

I saw you forgot your clothes once you went to the shower so I took this out of your suitcase I'll be down in the lobby....xD -Calum

Smiling I dried myself with the towel and changed into a burgundy shirt with black jeans black boots a white kinnted sweater and silver bracelets. I then dried my hair with the blow drier and quickly curled my hair. Feeling satisfied with my look I grabbed me phone and card-key thingy to our hotel room and headed down to the lobby. Walking down the hall and into the elevator I waited patiently for the doors to open once they did I saw Liam, Zoey, Calum, and my kids waiting in the lobby for me. "Ok I'm ready" I said walking over to them "oh uh we are going walking and Liam and Zoey are gonna join us" Calum smiled as I nodded and we all walked out. "So were are we heading to first" Zoey spoke up as I looked to Calum and waited for a response "well maybe we should go eat and then the empire state building." Liam suggested as we all nodded and decided to head to the nearest IHop "oh my god can I have a picture" a girl with her friends came up to Calum and Liam as they nodded and smiled or made a goofy face as I held the kids and Zoey took the picture.
I was getting caught up in how nice the fans are that I didn't realize they were asking me for a picture as well.
Confused I just nodded and took a quick selfie with them and Zoey. "Why would they want a picture of me?" I questioned "well you are dating Calum Hood" Calum spoke in third person "really? I haven't noticed yet" I spoke in a duh tone.
"Jeez you don't have to be so rude" he said rubbing his eyes and picking Nicole up "your mom is being a bully" he told her as she laughed.

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