Chapter Fourteen

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Erin's POV

Feeling someone's lips on me I fluttered my eyes open I saw Calum "hey he spoke" ohmygod his morning voice was great "hello" I said looking around "what time is it?" I asked "time to get up I have a busy day but before I start I want a few hours with you and the kids" he spoke, he is making it really hard for me to hate him I don't know if I like him or hate him I love his kisses his smile just everything about him but honesty I'm trying so hard to dislike him. "Why?" Was all I said "because you guys are my family" he said in a duh tone nodding I smiled "are we going anywhere fancy or something?" I asked "well I was playing on that. Why?" "Beucase I kinda wanted to stay in the bus with your shirt all day" I laughed being really lazy "ah because this shirt has lots of memories from last night" he said hovering over me "no because its comfortable" I said being completely honest "sure why don't we spend all day in the bus" he said "no we should probably go do someing I'll be hungry if we just stay here I'll be back I'm going to change the kids and myself then we will go out" I said trying to get up as he pulled me down "are you forgetting something "oh yeah come help me with the kids" I said pushing him out of the way and walking to the back grabbing Nicole who was wide awake as he grabbed Alex we then walked back to the front of the bus and out the door.

Walking to the girls bus I opened the door and set Nicole on the floor as she ran to the back taking Alex away I also put him on the floor as he sat down "Ok see you in a bit" he spoke nodded I closed the door. Picking up Alex I quickly changed him into his light brown shorts with a white shirt and some black socks since he doesn't have shoes yet. Putting his hair in a little quiff I added gel and set him down in the crib with a bottle. I then processed with Nicole as I grabed her and put her a little blue dress with black arrows on it then put her hair in a little bun as I put black socks since she didn't have shoes as well. Finally I made her bottle and set her down with Alex. I then walked over to my suit case and took out ripped shorts with a white and black shirt a belt and my converse going to the restroom I quickly changed into my cloths. Getting out fully clothed I plugged in a straightener and curled my hair in front of my kids watching them just in case something happened. "Good morning" I heard someone from behind turning around realized it was Zoey "hey its not morning by the way" I laughed as I finished the last piece of hair and turned them off.
"Oh it isnt wow I'm just really tired from yesterday everyone proablay is cuase there not awake yet" she said "were are you going?" she asked noticing I was getting ready "uh I don't know Calum told me to get ready" I told her as she nooded her head "well were ever your going hope you have fun" she smiled.

Returning the smile I took both kids into each hand and walked to the front and out of the bus. Walking to the 5sos bus I knocked on the door with my foot, not being able to knock with my hand. "Ready" he said as I nodded "oh wait almost forgot" he spoke he took out some shoes for the kids the had some little black flats for Nicole which I put on her and some converse for Alex he then put them on him "there now we won't have to carry them" he said as we put them both down and they walked around with there shoes. "Thank you" I said staring up at him "for what there my kids and my responsibility as well I have to provide them with what they need" he said looking down at me as I nodded. "Can I see this" I said referring to his flannel trying to change the subject as he gave me a weird look but took off his flannel. Putting on I fixed my hair to the side as I fixed the flannel on my body "thanks" I smiled as I skipped to the kids that were a few steps away and held their hand walking to Calum's car. Opening the door I strapped them in and walked to the passenger seat opened the door and sat down putting my seat belt on waiting for Calum.

"Jeez my grandma walks faster then you" I said as he finally got in the car "shut up" he said as I laughed "were are we going?" I asked as I managed to stop laughing "you'll see" he spoke as we drove. Twenty minutes in the car we finally arrived it was a hill with flowers and at the very top next to a tree was a blanket with a basket next to it. "Wow round two let's see how it goes" I laughed referring to the first date we had. Walking up the hill was hard since we had to carry a kid finally reaching the top I sat down on the blanket and sat Nicole down next to me. "Would you like some wine" he said as he took out two glasses and poured wine into both of them and then took out two juice boxes and gave them to Alex and Nicole "here's to a year and a week of parenting" Calum said raising his glass "excuse you, its only a week for you and its a year and a week for me Ok" I laughed as he rolled his eyes "to mum" he laughed as we clinked glasses "mumm mummm" they said as my eyes widen Turing to my kids I smiled I already new Alex could say mom but I never knew Nicole could say it smiling this was adorable and honestly I loved this picnic "well we are not going to stay long because we have the concert." He sighed "anyways are you going to the show" "no I don't think so I'll probably just stay in the bus" "aw why not" he pouted "because its hard to go with the kids and its really hot with everybody around you" I stated as he nodded in understandment "well alright I'll get us a movie and snacks on the way home so we can watch it after the show" he said as I nodded and started to eat. The rest of the little picnic consisted of laughter and eating which was great.

"Well we should head back now" he said as I got up cleaning are area we got back inside the car with Alex and Nicole strapped in firmly we took off and arrived back to the stadium were the busses were in about twenty minutes "Calum" they yelled as soon as we got off the car "your needed on stage" some guy with a yellow jacket said "I got to go" he said with a smile as he ran to the stage "oh you guys are so adorable" I heard Zoey's voice "oh no were not we aren't even together "I told her lowly being aware that we were outside and paps may be listening "let's go inside" she said as we walked on with Alex in Nicole grabbing me by the hand. "What do you mean you guys aren't together you guys are so cute and act like a couple and those marks and his marks" "well I don't know I don't want to be with him because of what he did but then he's so sweet and just nice and it makes me want to never leave him" I said honestly "what did he do that was so bad" memories then flew in of that night were he had pinned me to the bed and wouldn't let me go. "Let's just say these kids came into my life in a bad way" I stated as she kinda knew what I meant "well if its that bad you don't have to forgive him" "that's the problem I don't want to its just everyday that goes by he makes me want to forgive him" I paused "did anyone ever tell you my reaction when I first saw him" I asked as she nodded her head 'no' "well when i first got here thanks to Niall we got introduced and I didn't rember him because of his glasses but as soon as he took them off my hand connected to his face with a loud sound and then a few days later I punched him" I laughed as her eyes widen "dam the only thing I have done to Liam was not talk to him" she said as I laughed harder "I don't know what's wrong with me I just have mixed feelings I don't know what I want" I said "you do know you just want to admit it to yourself" she said before she got up and left.
Thinking to myself I do want to be with him he's such a great guy and a great dad but I just can't face the fact that he was such a different person that night he was harsh and now he's nice sweet adorable he's good looking and a great kisser.... What am I thinking I have to get these thoughts out of my head. Right before I could get his beautiful face out of my head he walked in "I forgot something" he said with his great smile as he rushed to the back and came back out "Ok I'll see you later" he said right about to leave "Calum wait" I stopped him right at the door "yes?" he asked turing around and facing me getting up from my spot I wrapped my hands around his neck and tippy toed until our lips met with a quick peck I then got back to just standing as he bend down a little and reconnected our lips in a kiss. I don't know why I did this I just wanted to feel his lips on mine once again I didn't want to let him go "Ok Erin I have to go now there going to get mad" he said as our foreheads touched catching my breath I nodded and let him out the door as he ran to the stage. Deciding to make bottles for my kids and putting them to sleep in there crib I went to Calum bed and took a nap.

Walking up to a dark bus I heard screams of girls in the distance and music getting off the bed I went to the back to check on my kids I saw them still peacefully asleep with their blanket. Going back to the front of the bus I walked out and stood outside for a while looking around I covered myself with Calum's flannel since it was really cold "hey Erin" someone said as I jumped "Cesar good god don't do that you scared me" I said "woah sorry" he said walking closer "are you cold?" He asked "no" I said trying to hide it as I shivered "yes you are" he said walking closer as he hugged me "Cesar the shows over already I really don't think you should do this your gonna her fired" I said trying to push him away "you know you want me and I want you" he said as he pinned me on the bus with my hands held above my head "Cesar stop" I said trying to push him away "come on Erin loosen up I won't tell" he said kissing my neck as I tried pushing him away even harder now he won't bulge "I'm going to make you feel better then he ever did" he said as I gulped being able to smell the liquor on his breath.

Well peeps this is a short chapter and a cliffhanger so hope you are enjoying the story so far thanks for the reads love you guys.

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