Chapter Four

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Erin's POV

Waking up with the sun in my face that was coming in through the blinds. Slowly opening my eyes I finally realized that I wasn't in my own bed at the club I darted up as fast as a bullet. Seeing someone fall off the bed when I got up and my two children's eyes slightly open from the big movement "shit" I heard Niall's all to familiar Irish accent say from the floor. "I'm so sorry" I laughed softly trying not to wake my kids up as I got up from the bed and walked to the other side seeing him on the floor "if you didn't want me on the bed all you had to do was say it." He said getting up from the floor "no sorry I just didn't known where I was I got scared for a minute" I told him laughing at the memeory when he fell. "Oh shut up why were you scared" he asked getting up and leaning on the counter next to the bed as I sat on the bed. "Well getting used to waking up on a mattress on the floor this bed just surprised me I didn't know where I was at"

I told him honestly. "Oh well sorry if you think I'm weird because we are sleeping in the same bed becuase I couldn't put you in the guest room because my friend is sleeping here he is the one that helped me bring you guys up here because you were sleeping and I didn't want to wake you" he rammbled on nervously as I nodded with a smile " its ok you could have just woken me up" "yes but that would have been rude after that really long day you had" he said scratching the back of his neck. "Niall why did you say we will only stay here for a couple of days" I asked when there was a knock on the door and then a very tall guy came in wearing a white v-neck, black jeans and some boots with an aporon around his figure his hair was filled with curls everywhere as they were carefully put to the side he looked at me then opened his mouth to speak. "Good morning love sorry if I woke you I just came in because I heard something fall" he spoke as his accent rung thourghout my ears "wow really Harry I fell like five hours ago I could have been dead by now" Niall said putting his hands on his forehead "just we will be down right now" Niall said pushing the tall boy, who I now know is Harry, out of the room.

"That's my friend as you know now his name is Harry he is from London you must know who I am now right" he said with a hopeful smile "sorry still have no clue" I smiled "really One Direction does not ring a bell at all" he asked eyes widen in disbelief "I'm sorry One what?" I asked furrowing my eyebrows "the biggest boy band every" he said "well we are on a break right now I'll explain everything when we eat down stairs now go take a shower there is cloths in there ready for you" he said pushing me into the restroom finding a white shirt black skinny jeans a red beanie converse a necklace and fianlly a jacket and a black bag. Smiling I quickly jumped into the shower and finding some girl products. When did he have time to buy this I thought after washing my hair and body twice I finally got out of the shower. Wrapping a towel around my body and hair. Finding a bag that said Victoria Secret opening it up I realized it was all under cloths if you know what I mean.

Putting on the cloths and shoes I finally exited out of the shower and finding cloths for Nicole and Alex on the bed "Niall when did you have time to buy all this" "thats for me to know and for you to not worry about" he said "Here" I told him giving him his jacket back from yesterday as he took it from my hands "were can I put these" I motioned to my drity cloths "we will go shopping tomorrow " "Niall i cant go shopping i have no money" "oh please i'll bu-" Niall was interuppted by Alex's crying setting the brush down I picked him up off the bed. "Look who's awake now let me take a quick shower and then we will go down stairs" I nodded as he entered the restroom with his cloths in one hand and a towel in the other. Sitting down on the bed I heard the shower water running. First trying not to wake up Nicole I put on the outfit with the diaper that was already on the bed and then putting on Alex's clolhs and diaper as I fixed his hair a little

"Hey Niall oh sorry is he in the shower?" Harry came in once seeing me on the bed he obviously knew Niall was in the shower "yeah he is umm he said he'all come out right now" I sad trying not to make eye contact "why don't you come down stairs and eat that's why I came up her to tell Niall the foods ready come on look she's awake so i'll help you." He said pointing to Nicole as I saw my beautiful baby girls eyes wide open as she was just laying on the bed "good morning" Harry smiled at her as she surprisingly smiled back. "Come on I'll carry her down" Harry said as he picked up my now dressed little girl as she sqirrmed a little in his arms. Following Harry out of the room as he walked down the long hallway to were the stair meet "sorry we couldn't put you in those rooms the lads have there keys and I forgot mine so I took the guest bedroom come on the house doesn't end her though." He smirked as I walked past all the doors and fianlly got to the stairs as Alex was just moving in my arms walking down the spiral stairs with Harry I felt so high class.

The next words that came put of my mouth was like if they were on cue with my stomach "can we eat first" I asked as my stomach grummbled Harry laughed fippled showing on both sides of his cheeks and his eyes lit up with amazment. "Yes we can eat first love" he said as we entered the kitchen and grabbed two plates and two forks as he set two pankes on each plate. We sat down eating our pancakes as niall came in "Harry were is mine" he asked "served yourself I'm pregnant" harry said as we both ate and ripped off picecs of our pancakes and gave it to either Nicole or Alex. This contiued until the was no more pancakes on either of our plates.

"OK now that we are done we have to discuss what we are going to do tomorrow my dad said he already talked to mangement and they said Erin can come with us on tour" Niall said smiling widely. "OK that's great news Niall and I got the tickets set and ready to go for tomarrow are flight leaves at six in the morning and we land in Australia, scince that's is were we all said we were going to meet up, at six in the afternoon the good thing is that we will have two more days to rest and Erin will get to know the girls before she gets stuck in the tour bus with them" Harry smiled as his dimples showed "wait what guys can I have a say join this" I said "no." They both said at the same time "then what girls were are we going" I asked sitting Alex up "Erin we are going to Australia were you will meet new people who will later become really great friends and you have to share a bus with them" Niall shouted as he grabbed me by my shoulders "I'm going to go pack" he said running up stairs."

Well here is the next chapter I hope you guys are like this story so far vote and share sorry for any mistakes

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