/Chapter Fifteen

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Erin's POV

I can't believed this is happing. Why did I even get out of the stupid bus? I've had it with guys I have two kids in there and I'm not gonna let this prick do anything to me.

He was so close to my body that I kneed him, really hard may I add, he fell to the floor with his hand on his crouch "oh fuck!!" He yelled I then kicked him in the gut "stupid bitch" he spoke as I spit on him "fuck you" I said as I went back inside and locked the bus door sliding my back down the door I placed my hands on my face. Crying I took in a deep breath I can't believed I did that I'm stunned I don't even know how I did that.
This feeling that I had just made me want to go back out there and keep hitting him but I know I can't do that because it might end bad for me. I got up and went to the restroom to fix myself I washed my face with cold water and tried to make my eyes look like they weren't tears flowing out like a freaken river. After a good ten minutes of this I finally got my face to look like it wasn't crying. I then heard a knock on the door and rushed to get it. "Wow already" I told the boys, who looked exhaustied and sweaty.

"Why did you lock the door" Luke asked "uh you know just because I fell asleep didn't want anyone to come in" I studdered. Calum then looked at me and immediately knew I was lying "Ok well I'm shower" he said walking to the restroom as the rest of the guys plopped themselves on there beds and fell into a deep slumber. Fiddling with my fingers I sat on the couch, debating whether or not I should tell Calum with another knock on the door I got up and opened seeing a mop of curls. "Are the lads asleep yet" he spoke as I let him in "yeah except Calum" I replied "oh ok I was thinking we could all go out for a drink" "Harry its two in the morning" I spoke "so" he shrugged his shoulders "so? I have two kids who need a sober mom I'm good" I stated as he laughed dimples in view.
I then headed to the back and turned on little stove they had and put the kettle on it. "What's wrong?" Harry asked "nothing. Why?" I lied "well for starters your hand is shaking like crazy and two you may be able to hide those puffy eyes with makeup but it doesn't last now tell me what's wrong" he said pointing out everything, and to be honest I had no clue my hand was shaking.

"Nothing Harry everything's fine I've never been better" I sighed "no tell me I know your lying tell me whats wrong I won't tell Calum" with a big sigh I looked down to the ground "when I woke up I went outside... Then Cesar was outside as well we were talking for a bit but after he tried to...." I stopped I couldn't finish it I couldn't get myself to say it "did he rape you" Harry said with so much anger in his voice "no he attempted to but I kicked him and ran inside." I looked up and saw his eyes in the darkest shade of green I had ever seen the kettle then was wistleing I turned the stove off and turned back to Harry. "Please don't tell him" "Erin you can't hide something like this" "I'm not going to I'll tell him just not now."

Harry then rushed outside as I followed behind him "Harry where are you going" I yelled once we were outside. He wouldn't response he just kept walking until he finally spotted Cesar "oh hey Harry I have a question where are we going next?" Cesar spoke casually and walked up to Harry, Harry walked up to Cesar finally just a few inches away he sung and a fist flew towards Cesar making him fall to the floor. "Harr stop I yelled as he got on top of him a threw punches everbody soon came out of the busses and Harry was pulled away by Zayn and Cesar was pulled away by Liam as the 5sos boys just watched "what happened guys" Calum spoke as the rest looked couris and just stared at Harry and Cesar "Calum can I talk to you?" I asked as I got that look from Harry saying 'tell him' "uh sure" he said as we walked away just a distance from the crowd "Calum I'm gonna tell you this and do not get mad but when you guys were performing Cesar tried to rape me" I spoke softly and looked to the ground looking back up I saw Calum wasn't there anymore I turned around and Calum was already on the floor with Cesar just like Harry was except they both took hits to the face "what is wrong with you people" Zayn and Liam the seperated the fight again "next time you do that again your gonna wish you weren't born" "its not my fault shes so fucken hot" Cesar yelled as Calum tried to get away from Zayn's grasp but couldn't "come at me, your bitch wish she could suck me" Cesar yelled again as Calum fianlly was able to get away from Zayn and charge to Cesar who was still held by Liam as Calum punch Cesar in the gut and took out his air. "Get him out Erin" Niall said as I ran to Calum he just kept staring a Cesar with a death glare "Calum please let's go come on" he wouldn't buge wouldn't even take his eyes off Cesar "Calum" I said once more as he stared at me I grabbed his hand and walked him away from there and onto the bus.

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