Chapter Nine

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Erin's POV

I turned around to Louis as he still had that irresistible smile on his face "well I hoping I can spend time with you as well" I told him as Jessica laughed "look at you two hitting it off already ok we should go" she said as Michael grabbed her hand and walked to the elevator again as I walked behind her with Calum "I'll go with you guys" I heard Louis say from behind as he ran and caught up to us "aren't you tired" Jessica asked him "yeah but I wanna go with you guys" he said "ok so were is Rebecca, Ashton, Brianna, and Luke" I asked Jessica "they said there going to meet us in the club" Jessica responded to my question as she typed away on her phone while Michael looked over her shoulder. I then looked over at Calum who was staring at the floor with his hands still in a fist. I smiled as I couldn't believed him he was the one that caused so much damage to my life and even though i am not with him I can't flirt with a guy. I then turned my head only to find Louis staring at me with a smile plastered on his face as I turned around and stared at the opening elevator doors I stepped out. "So who's car are we taking" Michael asked "why don't you take I'll carpool and Calum will take his" Louis said nodding in agreement everyone walked towards the door to the cars as everyone was ahead of me Louis turned around and walked towards me.

"Are you and Calum a thing" he asked with a concerned look on his face "no we are fake dating one because of publicity and two we have kids" I told him as he nodded in understandment "why" I asked turning to him as he shrugged his shoulders "well he just seemed to get annoyed when I talked to you so for my sake I'll back off" he said nodding my head, I headed for Calum's car as he went with Michael and Jessica "oh" Calum said as he opened the car door and started getting into the car I raised an eyebrow "what" I asked "oh nothing I just thought you were going with your new boyfriend" he said sarcastically as the car backed up to get out of the hotels parking lot. "Seriously Calum you are acting like such a child we aren't even together let me not remind you why we are in such a bad place in this relationship" I said making quotation marks with my fingers when I said relationship "there you go again stop going back to that, that was a year ago get over it I was drunk" he told me "really Calum you think I can get over it a year isn't enough to do that because every time I look at those kids it takes me back to that night and do you really expect me to just get over what you did to me like that" I said snapping my fingers "I really doubt that in a year i will forget everything because well you were here living your nice little perfect life the kids and I suffered a whole lot and you know what thanks to Niall and his father I'm out of that hell hole so if your going to tell me I'm doing something wrong please look at where you are standing first and then you can tell me shit." Taking a deep breath he couldn't reply to everything I had just told him he was quite throughout the car ride.

Finally arriving at the club we stepped out as valet parked the car paparazzi taking pictures and struggling to get to Calum as he had his hand on the small on my back. Accomplishing our way into the club there was loads of sweaty people on the dance floor either grinding on each other and the other side there was tables and drinks scattered on them. "There over there" Calum yelled over the loud music as we spotted Jessica, Rebecca, Brianna, Louis, Ashton, Michael, and Luke in the corner of the club already taking shots. Walking over to them they cheered as they saw us "look who it is" Luke yelled "there's paparazzi in here guys so don't fight and act cute when we are out of here you guys can fight all you want" Jessica stated as she stood up and pulled me and Calum aside. Nodding I smiled at Calum and sat down next to Jessica "we should go dance" Rebecca said as she took another shot and got up almost falling in the process. "I don't want to dance" Ashton responded as she tried to get him up, he had only taken one shot and was sober just like the rest of the girls boyfriends "please" she begged as he stood up in defeat. "Come on Erin take one shot" Jessica said "I can't I'm seventeen" I smiled "wow how did you even get in" she asked amazed "she's with me" Calum said as he took a shot "ones not going to hurt plus you deserve it its your day" she said she as Brianna Luke and Louis got up and headed to the dance floor grabbing the little glass I poured it down feeling the burning sensation of the achole in my throat. "Wow that's really strong" I stated as she offered another and without thinking I took it. I must have had five glasses because by then I was kind tired. Looking around I saw Jessica and Michael making out "we should go" I told Calum in his ear "really you want to go" he asked me as he whispered back in my ear. "Yeah we have to go get the kids" I said getting up and heading out as I grabbed Calum's hand and led him out of the club stubbling. Almost out the door I stumbled and almost fell face first when Calum grabbed me by my arm and held me closer to him "don't trip" he laughed as I was getting a bit dizzy.

Arriving at Calum's mom house Calum instructed me to stay in the car while he got the kids. Nodding I put my head on the cold window and waited for his return. "Hope you had fun the little ones did we went shopping and bought toys and such" Calum's mom said as she helped Calum put the kids into there car seat. "Thanks mom I'll call you when I land" he stated as she smiled and nodded "thank you Mrs. Hood" I said trying to sober up as I rubbed my hands over my face. Driving off I took a little nap in my seat telling Calum to wake me up when we arrive.

"Erin sorry to wake you but we are here" Calum said shaking me a little and getting out of the car to open my door. I nodded and stepped out once again falling in the attempt. "Where are the kids" I said looking in the back "Harry and Niall took them upstairs to sleep because I couldn't carry both of them well taking care of you and you couldn't carry them because you can barely stand up" he laughed at me as I tripped again pushing through the hotel doors we entered to the warm air and walked torwads the elevator pushing the button and heading up. The elevator doors opened and we stepped into the hall walking to our rooms "here is your stop" he said as he opened the hotel door for me. "Thank you Calum" I said seeing my kids sleeping on my bed. "No problem" he said as I took my high heels off and walked inside "come in" I said as he stepped in and closed the door ''ok now go to sleep we have to get up early tommrow" he stated as I laughed at him "why are you laughing" he questioned "you are acting weird" I giggled "Erin how am I acting weird" "I don't know are you always like this" I stated "like what" "caring over protective why are you nice your making it really hard for me to stay mad at you for what you said to me you basically called me a slut" I told him as he was the one laughing now "Oh Erin by the end of this tour you are going to love me" he stated coming up to me and grabbing me by my waist pulling me closer. "You don't know that what if I'm faking that I love you" I said "because you'll always want to do this again" he said as he connected our lips together. Somehow I felt a reaction to kiss back but I didn't he wasn't going to be forgiving that easily so I pushed him off. "Yeah your right its giving to be really hard to forget that" I said sarcastically and wiped my lips.

"Come on Erin admit it you liked it and you want me to kiss you" he said coming closer again this time I backed away "no I don't Calum now get out" I snapped he then reconnected our lips as I tried to pull him away he wouldn't get off into I gave one more hard push he got off then I punched him in the face. The worst part was that my hand probably hurt more then the punch so I got him out of the room and closed the door locking it. "Fuck" I cussed loudly but not waking up the kids. Walking to the restroom I washed my face ignoring the pain that came from my hand. Deciding to get a nights rest in went back to the room and slid into the bed with my kids making sure they were covered with the blanket. Let's see what consequences that punch brings me I thought sighing as I drifted to sleep

Hello guys thank you for reading my story and such I can't believed I have four hundred reads I know its probably not a lot comarped to other great stories but yeah thanks. you guys are amazing! And sorry for any mistakes :)

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