"Stop eating like your food is planning on running away any second, you eat like an wild gone animal" Luke said to James, which just shook his head.
"Shut it, blondie. It's called enjoying. Not that you're any familiar with that term"
He punched his shoulder, Luke just rolled his eyes.
I grinned at the two, focusing my attention on the food in front of me again.
A waiter came by, asking whether we needed something or not. As I was about to decline, I looked at Ashas empty gone glass. He'd almost emptied mine too, and so I did order another glass of ice tea in peach flavour. His favourite.
He grinned at me and squeezes my hand, turning to James and Luke again.
"Seriously guys, I wonder what you'll act like, once you two get into realtionships"
James just waved it off.
"Well I can assure you that I will never, anyway. I don't know about blonde boy here tough" He looked at Luke.But Luke seemed rather off; clearly ucomfortably scratching the back of his head, as he looked back at James. "Right" He said, looking down.
"No, but really" James continued.
"Y'all remember the pool party right? The one you just randomly disappeared from?"
I grinned.
James leaned in closer.
"When I tell you, he would not stop looking at that girl in front of me. I saw it with my own eyes guys, he practically stared trough her soul., which is not exactly the way to go, but he'll get there.
I danced with her for a few minutes and asked her for her name and number for you, dude"
James told Luke, which immediately let him rip his head up."You did what?"
"Yeah! Don't worry, I told her it was for you.., and guess what?
She was absolutely interested! Go on, you can call me the master of matchmaking. James the matchmaker.Not a second later, a loud screech of Luke's chair was heard trough the entire restaurant.
All of us looked up at Luke who mumbled a quiet apology and hurried out of the restaurant.
James frowned. He shook his head and turned to Asha ;seemingly seeking help.
I let go of Asha's hand and fastly headed into direction of the exit Luke had just left trough.
There I found him standing against a wall, one leg propped up , and a cigarette lit up in between his fingers.
"Hey" I said quietly, moving to sag against the wall right next to him.
A few moments we said nothing.
"You can always talk to me, you know? Don't feel pressured to do so, but I just wanted to let you know that you can come to me at anytime"
He smiled at me. "Thank you, Elany. I appreciate that. Love you"
"Love you too"We stayed standing outside for many more minutes.