1. The begging after the end

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This chapter is not too long because I still haven't figure it out how to fit all the ideas you gave me, or at least most of them.

Also, should I change the cover image? I was thinking about drawing something myself but I'm not sure what to draw, give me some ideas please!

See end of chapter for more notes

"Hey, mom. I'm back"
Luz said, with a halfway smile and tears growing in her eyes, threatening to fall.

There was also tears forming in her mother's eyes, Camila's eyes. Her hand still lying over her mouth, open due to the shock.

After a couple seconds, she finally overtake the initial shock and reacted. She opened her arms and run towards her daughter, without containing the tears anymore.

"Mija!" Camila exclaimed while hugging the air out of Luz.
"No sabes cuánto te extrañe!" She continued, letting herself cry as hard as ever.

Luz, still in shock, blinking back tears, remained still a little after her mother started to hug her, not believing she was home, her old home, far away from Eda, and far away from the world she had considered her home for the last months, unable to help the people she care about, the people she love, the people she got to consider her found family.

Luz, still in shock, blinking back tears, remained still a little after her mother started to hug her, not believing she was home, her old home, far away from Eda, and far away from the world she had considered her home for the last months, unable...

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But eventually, she reacted and hugged her mother back, letting her tears fell as well.
"I miss you too, mom"
She said so low she doubted her mother could even hear her, but hopping she did.

After a while hugging her daughter, Camila became aware of Luz's friends standing on both sides, under the cold rain, every each of them bruised, dripping wet and looking exhausted.
So she pull away and spoke to them. "Oh, poor little ones! Please, come in everyone, you must be freezing"

She made room for them to pass and looked at them desolate. What could have happened to this kids to look like this. Especially, what could've happened that Luz looks so...not herself. She used to be so full of live and know...Camila couldn't see that sparkle her daughter used to have.

Once inside, Luz spotted Vee in her basilisk form, which seems a little strange to Luz. But nevertheless, as soon as Vee saw Luz back, she run towards her open armed.

"Luz!" She shouted as she closed her arms around Luz. And once again,Luz didn't react ipso facto, but when she did, she hugged Vee back.

"Hey, Vee. How you doing?" Luz asked with a no so natural smile.
"Pretty well, actually. You?" Said Vee, loosening her grip on Luz, looking happy.

"I...I'm not so well" Luz answer downcast, letting go of Vee, "A lot of things happened, some of them bad, others worse..." She paused and took a deep breath remembering her friends where waiting for instructions of what to do, or at least to know where to sit or collapse, "but I don't want to talk about that right know. I...I just want to rest. And I think I talk for everyone" she motioned her arm towards her friends who nodded their agreement.

At this Camila interjet to start organizing the teenages, at least for the night, not a permanent arrangement.

No, it won't be necessary a permanent arrangement, at some point they would go back to their home, right?That doesn't matter now, Camila thought. What matters now is their need of rest.

"You Luz can rest in your bunk bed alongside Vee. The others can lie down in the sofa, so you can sleep and recover a bit" She said as she pointed where the sofa can be found.

Everyone just followed her instructions, too tired to even speak or doing anything that wasn't just to lie down and cry theirselves to sleep.

End notes:

Hope you like it so far. I know it's pretty short, but as I said before, I still need to plan out how to integrate everything into one big, amazing story.

I don't know how often I'll post, I'm pretty busy due to school and work related stuff, but I'll try to post as frequently as I can.

I want to ask you to share this story with your friend and with whoever you know who likes the owl house, because the more people it reaches, the more people that share their ideas, the merrier.
And thank you all for reading this, the fic, the notes, all of it, it means a lot, knowing there's people out there who like what I do.

An important question for next chapter:

What do you want to happen in the next chapter?

And here are some questions I'm pondering out about the story:

How longs are they gonna stay on earth?

What is gonna be Luz Palisman?

What are they gonna found strange on the earth?

How should they get arrange in the house? I mean, should Amity and Luz be roommates? Or Luz and Vee? Or how many rooms there's in the house? Do someone have to share a bed because there's no enough?

What date is it ? Is summer vacation over? I think so, right?

Should they be called the gang or the squad?

Besides this, you can comment whatever idea you have, every idea is welcome!

Until next time, byeeee!

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