The Night story

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From Lucas' diary, Pg no. 264, Today's Poppy Man!

Hey, it's me! I won't reveal my name, but just like you all, I'm a teenage boy. I have a crush on a girl who's my classmate, tuition partner, and even appears in my dreams. Oh, and by the way, I'm from Australia!

Have you ever seen a movie start with its climax? Well, if I spill all the beans now, we won't have much to talk about later, right?

Anyway, it's time for me to sleep and see her in my dreams. See you all tomorrow! Goodnight and take care!

The boy carefully puts away his diary under the pillow, leaving a bookmark to mark the page he wrote in. He goes to sleep with his headphones on, immersed in the music and experiencing an eargasm or soundgasm, whatever you call it. It's his time to dream about the girl he likes!

Meanwhile, the boy falls into a deep sleep and enters a dream, or perhaps a nightmare...

(Leader Poppy, the treasure is ready, and there are no obstacles left on your way to the mermaid! The beautiful mermaid, ah!)

Poppy steers the ship towards the island, intending to win the mermaid's heart and rule the island like a pirate of the Caribbean. The ship advances confidently, marching over the green land to conquer it. But suddenly, the clouds darken, and the sky rumbles with red and blue thunder. Captain Poppy is clueless about what's happening.

{| The above lines are taken from the poem , The Mighty warrior|


The cloud changes to dark
With a shivering spark
Thunder in the sky
Red and blue
The waves getting higher
Or the hopes getting drier
The Captain didn't know what's happening
He might hadn't got any clue

But the league was to march on the top!
With the cursed soul of others always there to stop
He will never give up
He will never be tired
He will always rise
To show up the warrior!
It's the blood in the veins or
The rage in the bones of the Mighty warrior!
Ergo he will always rise!

- Written by the Creator of this story
Copyrights reserved for all lines, don't try to copy, you have been recorded!}

(Those lines you thought were just a poem? They became reality as thunder roared, the waves grew higher, and the ship was in peril. A cursed creature emerged, not the Kraken as they thought. The captain ordered an attack, but the monster seemed unstoppable. Just when it seemed all hope was lost, a benevolent sea creature arrived to fend off the evil monster. But alas, the ship sank, and the monster took it in its grasp, ready for a feast...)


The boy screams, jolting awake from his nightmare. Everything was fine now – no monster, no mermaid, no shipwreck. Just the usual nightmares he's grown accustomed to.

So, you were eager to know about me and my life? Take note: daily nightmares are quite common, but there's always a common theme - me facing defeat and a savior coming to rescue.

But there's something peculiar too. Sometimes, it's the sea, other times the sky – a flying bird or a river monster. But I'm always there, and something seems to be gnawing at my soul. Who could that be?

Meanwhile, he hears voices saying, "Weaker side of me!" and "Look here, coward!" He turns to the mirror, and it's his own reflection. "Cute! Duffer, it's just an illusion of yourself!" The voices continue, but he's determined to prove them wrong.

As he heads downstairs to the hall, he hears the television's sound and realizes that it's still on. But he distinctly remembers turning it off after watching. "No, Mr. Mysterio, I did turn it off. I know my ethics!" he declares. However, when he reaches the hall, he finds the TV showing a movie with scenes eerily similar to his dream.

He changes the channel, and another show talks about dreams being linked to parallel universes or doppelgangers. Just then, the lights go off, and he hears the voices again, similar to those in his room. The TV turns back on, but the lights are still off.

His mom comes in, questioning his presence at this hour. He explains about the TV being on, but she dismisses it as his imagination and tells him to go back to sleep.

Back in his room, he gets under the blanket, contemplating these strange events in his life. Tomorrow, perhaps he'll have more answers. For now, he needs to rest. It's just a tiny fragment of my life, he muses, before finally drifting off to sleep.

The next day, he wakes up to the unusual sight of rain in the summer. And the thunder strikes in red and blue colors!

Meanwhile, someone kicks him out of the window, and...

(What happened? Nah, it's not his dream; it's me here to tell you what will happen next, but that's for the next episode! So, bye! But what do you think will happen next?)


-To be continued...

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