The Thunder

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Meanwhile, Emily moved her hand towards Lucas and asked, " Friends?"

They had an handshake, and Lucas smiled in returned with nodding his head to yes!"

They moved on towards the further journey of searching for their friends.

After sometime,
It started to rain!

They saw nothing to hide but a cave!
They both went into the cave to take shelter for the rains and to save them from getting wet. It was a mysterious cave. They saw something strucked into a rock or a stone.

They saw on the walls , it were some paintings of a war and a king.

But what was that thing?

Emily looked towards the wall paintings carefully, there must be a story behind it. Meanwhile, the thing strucked in the rock attracted them both. Something was written on that rock in a very different language. They were unable to read it. Lucas was looking towards it enthusiastically. Emily said, " don't touch it Lucas , it maybe be harmful!"

Lucas said, " But i can't take my eyes off from this sword!"

Let me give it a try, u be away for a while, it maybe explosive!

Let me give it a try, u be away for a while, it maybe explosive!

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Emily said , " Be careful Lucas!"

Lucas tried to get that sword out and ahem nothing happened!
But he tried it once again with a full energy and pulled out the sword but it attracted the thunder from the sky. The blue thunder lightning striked that sword and Lucas , Emily got scared but nothing happened to Lucas. He was still standing inspite of being hitted with a powerful thunder strike. He wielded that sword. He saw the rock has been now broken due to the thunder strike, but the language was now readable to him, he collected those rocks peices and tried to read it. That secret language stated ," The sword of Amazon, The lord of thunder and the most powerful Warrior ever , left his sword after his death and only the worthy and truthful ones can weild it!" Lucas proved his worth. He was now worthy. He saw his arms , they showed a sparkling thunder,
he now was having the powers of thunder. But the letting free of the sword reincarnated the protector of the sword which was appointed centuries ago after the death of Amazon to save and protect the sword. He attacked on Lucas and Emily. He said , " I'm a the thunderknight, you must defeat me to wield that sword!" Lucas said, " I'm ready , i can do anything to get out of it!" The huge 8 feet knight attacked Lucas to have a one on one sword battle with him but the knight wasn't having any answer for Lucas' worthyness and truthfulness towards sword, the knight recognised the successor of Amazon and the thunder sword and he surrendered himself by kneeling before Lucas.
Lucas got surprised,
He said, " What happened? Is this any trick?"

The knight said ," You deserve this sword master! You are now free to go and continue for your adventure!"

The rain had now stopped, it was a heavy rain. Lucas and Emily came out of the cave. The thundersword was a magical sword, it will appear in hands whenever Lucas will need and will disappear whenever he will not need it just like the necrosword of loki and his sister hela! And also the god of symbiotes knull! But they no connection here. The thundersword was a superpower itself. Lucas got superheroeistic powers due to the striking of the thunder on him. It was the thunder of blessings. Lucas was now a superhero. The thunder superhero. Moreover the teen superhero.

Well , the timezones in the mysterious abandones place were different, it was exact opposite to the time zones of the Daintree rainforest. It was nearly Evening in the abandones mysterious place. It was getting dark. Walking a few miles away, they saw a civilized town set there sparkled up with lights and bonfires. They decided to explore the civilized town as it was nearly night and they were hungry for food.

The civilized Town ' mavlyto'

They were tribe people, moreover the tribe animals and half humans, the humans there were having animal facial hairs, claws and animal tails.
They all were celebrating there, it maybe a festival. Emily and Lucas found them dancing around the big bonfire.

They approached towards the group of people there and asked what's going on!

That people got surprised and kneel towards Lucas , by looking it, they stopped the celebrations and the small tens houses town kneel towards Lucas and started the chants of " Hail king Amazon! Hail king Amazon ! Hail king Amazon!"

Emily said, " So you have ruled here too!"

Lucas said , " that's what I do!"

Emily said , " Funny!"

Meanwhile, Lucas and Emily saw an old experienced man walking towards them. He was the mayor and the oldest person there. He said , " Welcome my son, the successor of Amazon ! I'm mayor of mavlyto, u can call me mayor zrharnt !"

Lucas said , " At your service mayor, actually me and my friends had came here unknowingly, we got parted away from our school group and I'm still searching for our friends!"

That mayor said , " Your Friends?
Aren't you talking about those two mischievous children you poked out here a few hours ago? Can you identify them!"

Emily said , " One mischievous boy and a mischievous girl for his company!"

The mayor ordered the tribal men there , " Bring them here, they maybe our guests! Or maybe trespassers!"

The tribal men brought the two teens to the mayor.

Lucas said, " How you both came here!"

Emily said , " And as trespassers! FUNNY!"

Lucas and Emily both were laughing.

Mayor asked , " Are they both your friends?"

Lucas said , " Leave them mayor , they are with us!"

Mayor said, " As your order teen king! Leave them!"

Sam got shocked by listening king!

Sam said to himself ( many things had happened here in my absence!)

Sam said , " So king Lucas, wouldn't you introduce us to your newly met friends!"

Lucas said, " Ohh yeah So he is my bestfriend Sam and she is Hannah, Emily's bestfriend!"

Mayor said, " sorry for ur inconvenience Hannah and Sam! It was just our misunderstanding!"

Lucas said , " But how you knows me, like how you came to know that I'm the successor now!?"

Mayor said, " We had met each other before! At the peak of the mountain!"

Lucas said, " Oh mr. Saint, sorry i didn't recognise you!"

Sam said, " Also sorry by us, mr.mayor, we entered here without permission!"

Mayor said, " no worries!"

Mayor said, "C'mon my children, it's time to have the dinner, and now you are our special guest , let's enjoy today's cuisine!"

Sam said , " Ohh sure! Mr. Mayor!"

They all had the lunch, it was tasty and fulfilled with different foods and it was a delicious cuisine!

At night, all the tribal people went into their houses. But Mayor, Sam, Hannah, Emily and Lucas were at the bonfire , discussing about some topic!

Meanwhile, they all saw something in the sky! It was scary! Rounded with dust in the sky! It seemed to attack the town.

Mayor said , " He is back!
We need your help Lucas !"

- To be continued in the next part

(Who was it, maybe a new danger or a ray of hope, or a new character to the story, well this story is getting bigger and better and intresting: maybe ,
Well we will see what happens further in the next part)

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