The Abandoned Sanctum sanatorium

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Lucas in anger jumped up and attacked Steven with a thunder strike again, and piercing the sword in him. Steven was now finished completely but his pet, the big cloud was free and unleashed. The only way to defeat him was to let Emily make a control over him.

Emily said, " we need to distract him , then only i can enchant him, he is so powerful. "

Sam and Hannah picked up the stones to throw on him, to distract him. Lucas gathered up the thunder to catch his eyes. They were distracting him , Emily started to enchant him, but it was mighty and powerful, it was hard to make control over him.

Lucas got up an idea. He flew up in the sky and entered the big cloud peircing into the middle and he found out that a magical box was controlling the cloud. Emily was still trying to take it's control but it was gigantic and powerful. Lucas took out his sword and started breaking the box , it leaded to make the big cloud fight Lucas turning its mouth inside. It was like the box was it's heart. The cloud attacked Lucas with a sharp and cool blow of winds, Lucas found it hard to breakthebox but he was making a balance within the cloud , Lucas was now locked into the cloud. Even if he lost his balance, the cloud won't let him go out. Lucas tried to fill up the cloud with a strike of thunder but the cloud sucked it, it absorded the thunder strikes, it was taking up Lucas'energy but he saw that the box were showing some movements, he continued the rages of thunder and after striking the thunder all within the cloud for a few seconds more, it made the box break into pieces and the cloud to leave it's life. The box got broken. The Evil cloud got disappeared, Lucas was about to fall from a very height but Emily with her Magic carried Lucas and made him land safely in ground. As soon as Lucas landed safely, Emily went near him to hug him. His friends too came and hugged him. Things were at peace now. But their adventure wasn't over yet. Their Adventure was now to get to the cosmic tree before the evil reach there and protect it from the evils. It still was a long journey from here. But just a few metres away , they found a very small hamlet of humankind creatures, it were just made up of a few huts and only a few people. A man walking creature was showing his skills of violin. The violin was too made from the jungle things available to them, but the melody was still soothing and healing. It was a nice melody, Lucas and his friends enjoyed it by investing some time in it. It was a romantic melody. Emily was taking glances of Lucas , she was falling for him. It was magical. But after a few minutes of caravan gathering. Emily tried to communicate with those creatures as they were having different language from the humans. But Emily was able to understand it due to her magical powers.

She asked, " It was a good melody sir, but we are strucked here in this world and we need to reach the cosmic tree, can you help us to get there?"

That creature replied, " zgfd hyjufr 6êßæßd 68ïœ0l shidbs 14ēßdç !

( It will be pleasure for us to help you, but to reach the cosmic tree, you will need to complete the quest of lava fumes, which is right at the top of that mountain, you will understand all things once you reach there!)"

And he pointed out towards a big mountain. It was a volcanic mountain, but no one knewed if it was a dormant, active or extinct. They went near the mountain, at it's bottomost region and they saw a board marked there. It was written on it that

( Be aware of the notorious lava fumes, they may help you or they may just betray, but they can erupt anytime, happy journey to the top).

There was not a chance of getting up through levitation as she wasn't yet learned to levitate them all , she was also new to the magic and sorcery.
They started to climb the mountain. It wasn't slippy, it wasn't that hard to climb it, they were enchancing towards the top. Meanwhile, Hannah lost her control over herself, she was hunged by making some balance on one hand , meanwhile Sam tried to help her by giving her his hand to get up, but they both lost thier control and falled down. Lucas and Emily noticed it, as soon as they fall down, the Mountain started to leave out it's fissures, it may now get erupt anytime. Lucas and Emily climbed up as soon as possible and found a glowing , it was a way to take them to the cosmic tree. Lucas said, " But what about Sam and Hannah, they needs our help!"

The Adventures Of Lucas : The Chronicles Of the Jungle Where stories live. Discover now