The Cosmic Tree Of Life

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They thought it's their end, there was no way out. Sam hugged Hannah and was ready for the last ride, but Sam found a box there which appeared after killing that monster, he holded that box and all the lava flames got attracted towards him but it didn't affected him much, it turned out to be his powers. He got the powers of fire. Sam controlled out the valcano and made their way out to get the cosmic tree. But there was still a no way out to reach to their friends. Meanwhile, they saw a hidden way out from the wall. They got into it and went down sliding to a different place.

It was a mysterious place, it was the origin roots of the cosmic tree of life.

She went near to it, and touched one of its root, and it started to attract her towards it

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She went near to it, and touched one of its root, and it started to attract her towards it. The roots of the cosmic tree imposed an energy towards her, it was a divine source, she got the earth energy. The Team of thunder, magic, fire and earth was now completed.

Meanwhile, the battle between Lucas Emily and doomsday was still going on. The doomsday trapped out Lucas and Emily in his two cosmic powered chains attached to his back but someone attacked on those chains with fire and flames. It was Sam and Hannah and they were now superpowered like Lucas and Emily.
Lucas gave a smile of sigh. They made them free from the chain trap.
Now it was the four superheroic teens vs the doomsday!

Doomsday accepted the challenge and started the combat with them. DOOMSDAY was a powerful supervillain. He was blessed with the powers of Dark energy, he was able to attack with the dark energy, he was so powerful and so his magical spear.

He attacked them with the dark energy, Sam created a arc of fire to block the attack but he was still impactful, Emily also helped him creating a defense block, meanwhile , Hannah were concentrating the life potion into a sandbox, to take it away from doomsday, Sam , Lucas and Emily were creating a defense for him. Lucas gathered up the thunder by waving his hand and also made his appeared the thunder sword , he jumped in a thunderous rage and attacked the doomsday Legs to made him knee, and was making his attack weaker by punching him. Lucas made appeared his sword again and started attacking him with his thunder sword. The concentration of the potion of life into a cosmic sandbox was almost done. Hannah was using all her powers to the task. But doomsday got raged up, he tackled out Lucas with his cosmic powered chains , and he also broked the block created by them. But hell yeah, the the work was done , the sandbox was created. Hannah said, " We need to take his sandbox away from him!"
Emily said, " Let me cover you, sam and Lucas will fight him, he has his powers from this sandbox only!"
The sandbox was created from the cosmic veins of the cosmic tree of life.

annah and Emily was about to go but the doomsday made the dark energy aether fall from the sky, which also hitted the cosmic tree of life, by looking at this Hannah created a shield of life against them to protect them from the attack of aether, it was hurting her but due to her powers, she were able to handle it. The Doomsday was giving evil smiles. He attacked the spear his hands but it didn't hit them as he failed to aim, it went on and hit the cosmic tree of life and it started showing strange actions. The spear's powers and abilities were powerful enough to destroy a living entity single handedly.
The cosmic tree of life was exploding. Hannah's shield were protecting the teens. The explosion of that tree took place, but the teens were able to relife the tree by planting the sandbox to an other place. The Explosion hitted doosmday adversely.

After a few minutes of the Explosion,
The teens thought that the doomsday died, Hannah saved them all, she saved them by putting her life into danger. She was mostly damaged. The attacks of aether and the cosmic tree Explosion hitted her.

Meanwhile, Lucas saw the doomsday was still alive, just a few bits of life in him. The Doomsday, called up his spear back and was about to attack on all the teens but in the sudden lucas gathered his thunderous rage and killed the doomsday by attacking him with the thunder sword and peircing him into two with a jump. The doomsday was finally over. They survived the Ragnarok and the Armageddon. It was true, four teens will come and save this universe, they did saved the sacred universe. Emily healed Hannah with the help of the cosmic sandbox. They all hugged each other with feeling of victory and love.

After Sometime,

They were looking for a place to plant the sandbox,

Sam said, " Let's us plant it from where it all started!"

Emily said, " What do you mean?"

Hannah said, " I got what he is saying!"

- To be continued in the next part.

(What you thought? The story is over yet, naah the climax is just over but there's still something left in the story and what's that!
Well we will see and explore the last part of The Adventures of the Lucas Part 1 : Chronicles of the Jungle !)


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