The School Picnic

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He reached the school, at the last moment, just a few seconds ago the period bell was about to rang and he entered the class.

The teacher shouted, " Roll no. 17?"

Lucas replied," Present sir!" As soon as he entered in!

Lucas got saved from being late for the 16th time!

He sat on his bench with his friends just aside to Emily's bench!

Emily his crush!

( Yeah I forget to tell something!
From the first word of thd story to saving that universe! It was just his dream! Oh my god, It was a dream, that monster, L, that tornado, and that universe was all in the world of his dreams!

But what you think, the story isn't intresting due to the dream is over?

No , the story had just started )

So Welcome to the world of Lucas !
This is his adventures and and shhh, the mystery can't be reveal now but i promise it won't be a dream from now, it will be a reality of Lucas! Enjoy your journey!
Dear Readers!


Next Day,
In the School,

The Physical Education Teacher came and announced a notice!

He said, " So good morning students, sorry to disturb you between the biology lecture, but I'm here to announce that our school is going for Adventurous Picnic to the Daintree Rainforest of Queensland! , we will be enchancing next week!"

Details : The Daintree rainforest , Queensland, Australia
Duration : one week
Departure : Next week
Arrival : The week after next week
Travel : The University had it's own Private Vehicles!

The students get in a celebration in the hype of a school trip and it's gonna be adventurous as they are gonna visit the Mysterious Forest of Australia as their native place.

The students started planning for their picnic schedules and other plans.

Lucas and his best friend Sam were talking about the same.

Sam said, " So you gonna confess this time?"

Lucas said, " Me? No! Look at her , she will be with her friends all the time, and i would have no time!"

Sam said, " well the worst she can say do is no! Hakuna Matata bro!"

Lucas said , " you are saying as you are an expert in this field."

Lucas was a cute boy but with only one friend and it was sam. He was always a student with no attention just like Nobita from the Doremon anime! The Dumb boy but still the Protagonist of the story!

The week went well!

All the students of the class were hyped up for the trip ! With all their plans, materials and food ready! As it will be a seven day stay there!

After Sometime,
The bus with full of Students started off with thier journey to Queensland to the Daintree Rainforest! And their accomodation was dealt with camping in the same forest.

Its gonna be an amazing experience for all of them!

The Hype to go out somewhere else from the city was also there along with the excitement of the adventures in the forest!

Their bus was going on a fine pace!
Two teachers with them, One itself the Physical Education Teacher and Another the English teacher !

The English Teacher Miss Ross came up to the students with an in bus travel activities! To play with fun games and words in the bus will be fun!

The Adventures Of Lucas : The Chronicles Of the Jungle Where stories live. Discover now