The Flower Of Life

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The Mysterious place
Lucas woked up!

And saw it was totally a different place! He shouted out for his friends but no one was responding!

He stood up and started searching for them !

His friends was no where to be seen!
Meanwhile, he heard some monsterous footsteps! Oh no, It was a tree monster.

He started attacking Lucas with his branches and his purple poisonous leaves, one of the leaf got a stinger on his arms! He was just running away from that purple tree monster! Meanwhile, a large wild bear jumped towards Lucas, he got scared alot. The Big wild bear, gave a big growl, and jumped on the purple tree monster, to save Lucas. The Wild bear and the purple tree monster had a fight. Lucas was scared, he went and hide behind a the bushes. What we can expect from a teen. The bear killed the purple tree monster, as he gave him the last punch which take out the enemy's life, the tree turned into butterflies and they flew away. Lucas gave a sigh of relief but he was still unaware of the bear's intention. The bear started to walk towards his place. Meanwhile, Lucas stopped him and said, " Thanks mr.bear , you saved my life! Ahh sorry i know you will not understand our language!"
Bear replied, " What are you doing here?"
Lucas ( Wow, it can talk)
Lucas said, " sir actually me and friends lost the way through the Rainbow waters! And when we opened our eyes, i was here, I'm still finding my friends!"

The Bear replied, " The Rainbow lake, so you are from the human world, this is a cursed place, the one who comes here, never goes back! We all are trapped here, i also came here from the lake! Many are trapped in this place ! And we have no way home!"

Lucas said, " Why is it cursed!?"

The Bear said, " First we will find your friends, there life is in danger!"

Bear took Lucas on his back and they went on to search for Lucas' Friends.
Meanwhile, they start the hunt with shouting out loud their names! There were the chants of his friend's name!
Meanwhile, they both hear some screams of a girl. It was Emily. She was trapped into a spider's net. It maybe a big spider. She was shouting for help. Lucas said " bear she is my friend, we need to save her!" They both went near the spider's web to make Emily free from it. She said, " Lucas plz save me!" Lucas and the bear was trying to burnout those nets but the big spider attacked from behind , hope the bear defended it, the bear and the big spider started the battle. Meanwhile, The bear tried to distract the big spider from Emily and took him away from them. Lucas was trying to save Emily. The spider's web were poisonous, their trap were venomous for her. She was losing her health. But Lucas succeeded to Get her away from the Spider's web. She had got weak due to the web and the web pores had stinged her with poison. It was spreading all over her body, her life was now in the death's hole. She said in deep low voice, " Save me Lucas !"
Lucas said , " don't worry you will be alright, i will not let anything happen you!"

Lucas took her on his back and went on to search for the bear to ask out for the treatment available nearby, but they findout that the bear was almost on his last breath. There were many dead spiders around him, hunted and killed down by him! The Bear said, " The journey ahead will be done by you young boy! I'm done now!"

Lucas said , " Bear she has been poisoned!"

Bear pointed out towards the big mountain and said , " it's deep under there! Go and save her!"

Lucas said," thanks bear, love you alot, you will be always there in my memories!"

Lucas started to enchance towards the big mountain, after a half hour of continuous walking , he reached to the bottomost of the mountain and make Emily sat on the big rock, the poison of the spider were making its effect, she was losing her life steadily, she wasn't left with much time! Lucas said , " Hold on Emily, I'll be back soon with the Antidote!"

Emily said , " Don't leave me alone!"

Lucas said, " I have to go, i will be back soon!"

Lucas with full energy went on running to climb up the mountain and to get the flower of Life which will save Emily's life, it's like an antidote to any of the danger. It was an hard climbing, but Emily was the Lucas had loved since childhood, he will not let her die! He reached up to the peak of the mountain 🗻, and saw the flower of Life glowing as it's hold the much importance. There was an old man protecting it. He said, " why are you here, it's glad to see any Human here after so many decades!"

Lucas replied, " I want that magical flower, my friend's life is in danger, she was poisoned due to the giant spider's web."

That old man said, " Oh you are taking about Morant the giant spider, well it's good the bear killed him!"

Lucas said, " How did you know this?"

That old man said, " I know everything beyond and above young boy, I'm here from centuries, I'm the protector of this mountain, i was knowing you will come here!"

Lucas said ," Well sir can I plz take that flower of Life with me!"

The old man said, " who am I to stop you? But you will need to answer my riddle to get that flower, if you answered wrong, the flower will be of no use!"

Lucas thinked for a while, and said, " okay !"

The old man asked, " You can see nothing around, just a step on the ground, the quest was to get to the place, but dear what's the place?"

Lucas thinked on it , for a while, he was lost in something, he thinked of the old man's word's again, the dumb Lucas was now thinking like the main character of the story. He got the answer.

He said, " It's the place where I'm standing sir!"

It was correct one!
The place where he was standing!

The old man smiled , and gave that magical flower to Lucas and said, " stay blessed young boy!"

Lucas was happy to get the magical flower. With a sudden rush, he started to went down the slope, trumling and falling on the hard, but it didn't hurt him more! Rolling down the slope, handling the pain of getting hitted to the hard surface, he reached at the bottom. Emily was in a critical condition. As soon as he took , the flower near her, it turned into an energy and it went into Emily. She got her life back. Lucas saved her. She opened up her eyes and saw Lucas . She remembered what happened with her and who saved her out? She suddenly hugged Lucas in a feeling if getting saved from death. Lucas was now like a saviour to her. Lucas hugged her back and said, " are you okay?"

Emily said , " Thanks I'm fine now!"

Lucas said , " We need to search our friends also, they are also lost!"

Emily said , " Yeah let's go!"

Meanwhile, Emily moved her hand towards Lucas and asked, " Friends?"

They had an handshake, and Lucas smiled in returned with nodding his head to yes!"

They moved on towards the further journey of searching for their friends.

After sometime,
It started to rain!

They saw nothing to hide but a cave!
They both went into the cave to take shelter for the rains and to save them from getting wet. It was a mysterious cave. They saw something strucked into a rock or a stone.

They saw on the walls , it were some paintings of a war and a king.

But what was that thing?

To be continued in the next part!

(Hey Guys, hope you all are enjoying this journey of Lucas and his friends! We all know it's magical and it's mysterious, from having a word with the DOPPELGÄNGER to getting lost in the mysterious forest with friends, the story had just started! And many more adventures awaits for us and Lucas and his friends!)

See you in the next part ( episode)

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