The Goodbye?

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Meanwhile, Lucas saw the doomsday was still alive, just a few bits of life in him. The Doomsday, called up his spear back and was about to attack on all the teens but in the sudden lucas gathered his thunderous rage and killed the doomsday by attacking him with the thunder sword and peircing him into two with a jump. The doomsday was finally over. They survived the Ragnarok and the Armageddon. It was true, four teens will come and save this universe, they did saved the sacred universe. Emily healed Hannah with the help of the cosmic sandbox. They all hugged each other with feeling of victory and love.

After Sometime,

They were looking for a place to plant the sandbox,

Sam said, " Let's us plant it from where it all started!"

Emily said, " What do you mean?"

Hannah said, " I got what he is saying!"

Sam said, " The abandoned sanctum Sanatorium!"

Lucas said, " What?"

Sam said , " Yeah we reached to the roots of the cosmic tree and that's how Hannah got her powers!"

They all went to the abandoned sanctum Sanatorium. They reached to the roots of the old cosmic tree, they were dead. They all decided to plant the tree over the same place where it was. Emily and Lucas planted it togather. Hannah with the help of her powers relifed the place and it's spirits. The sandbox grabbed it's roots and was ready to grow again to give new powers and to protect the universe. The cosmic tree grows faster than the other trees, it is blessed with the powers of life, time and space.

After sometime,

They all reached to the place where they got heisted here. The rainbow lake.

Emily said, " There are no more dangers to this universe! We can go back to our universe now! The same rainbow lake!"

Lucas said, " Wait guys, but after getting back to our universe, will it be the same? Like this superpowers, this friendship? This bonds between us, the thunder , the fire, the magic witch and the life spirit! I don't know that we are gonna remember it or not?"

Hannah said , " This memories we built togather, and even if it happens, we will try to remember it, cuz we had being a part of it! And yeah we will never forget!"

Sam said , " So the last Goodbye! To this magical place? The other universe under the Daintree Rainforest! And yeah our school is also waiting there!"

Lucas said, " Well we will be in the next grade when the month ends, this was a farewell trip for the school life! We will be college guys!"

Hannah said ," yeah 18 all next year, we will be adults!"

Sam said, " Why are you so quiet! Emily?"

Emily said, " umm i wanna say something before we goes back, i don't know that we will stay with the memories or not but Lucas i have got some feelings for you, not just those normal feelings, it's magical and just I can't explain!"

Lucas got shy. What a moment this was, his crush was proposing him.

He said ," I feels the same Emily, i was just scared to tell in the fear of rejection!"

Emily said, " This was dumb!"

He said, " I know right it is!" And they both laughed on it.

It was the heat of the moment, they were so close, holded each other hands and the moment they made, they kissed each other. They were lost in each other's eyes remembering the time they had spent together.

Few moments later!

The teens were ready to jump in to the rainbow lake to get to their universe. They holded each other's hands and all said, " It will be our memories! See you guys in a jump!"
And they jumped into the rainbow lake.


On earth,
The rainbow lake,
The Daintree Rainforest,

Sam, Emily and Hannah got back to their universe but something was missing in them. They all were able to remember every single thing. But Lucas wasn't there!

Where is Lucas!?

Emily said, " What happened to lucas?"

Sam said , " Did he didn't came here?"

Hannah said , " or he teleported somewhere else!"

Emily said , " what?"

In a strange place!
It was a desert!
Lucas came falling in a desert from the sky.

Lucas said, " what the fuck? Where i am?"
He saw some people coming towards him , he tried to get his sword in his hands but it wasn't there? It fall off somewhere else! All of it were scattered! He tried to attack with his thunder powers but somehow they weren't working there!

He hands up and smiles to them in a feeling of getting caught!

- To be continued

In The Adventures of Lucas 2

( What you thought? The story is over, yeah it did! The adventures of Lucas 1 : The chronicles of Jungle is over but it lead to an another story that is the adventures of Lucas 2 , but where is Lucas now! And what place is that? An another world, an another universe or something strange, will his friends be able to find him? Or not?

Well it's to be continued in the adventures of Lucas 2

Well the question arises here? When we will get the adventures of  Lucas 2 , ofc very soon! The episode 1 of the adventures of Lucas 2 on the same platform but after getting 1k views on the first story!


The Adventures Of Lucas : The Chronicles Of the Jungle Where stories live. Discover now