The Round Sky Dust

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At night, all the tribal people went into their houses. But Mayor, Sam, Hannah, Emily and Lucas were at the bonfire , discussing about some topic!

Meanwhile, they all saw something in the sky! It was scary! Rounded with dust in the sky! It seemed to attack the town.

Mayor said , " He is back!
We need your help Lucas !

Lucas asked, " Who is he?"

Mayor said , " Afrodantus! The dusty evil, it's the Ragnarok!"

Lucas said , " What?"

Meanwhile, the big dusty Tornado Afrodantus attacked on the civilization!

He said in evil intentions , " I'm back to take the life!"

Lucas said, " First fight to me!"

Lucas make out his sword appeared in his hands and attacked the Afrodantus with a strike of thunder. It didn't affected him much.

Afrodantus said , " Amazon is now dead, no thunder tricks will work on me!"

Afrondantus grabbed Lucas in his hand and took him near his mouth.
Lucas showed a thunderous rage and but the thunder weren't working here. Afrodantus attacked on the whole civilization with his sand goblins, the sand goblins were destroying the civilization. The mayor got angry and lost his cool, and raged up with his magical powers and attacked with his wizard spells but the Afrodantus was so powerful, that nothing was affecting him. Lucas was trying alot to get freed from his hands. Afrondantus thrown Lucas away, but a faraway. Emily, Sam and Hannah hide behind something. The mayor were still battling with Afrodantus with his magical powers. But Afrondantus was on the winning side.
Afrondantus squeezed the mayor and was about to take his life away. But Lucas came from behind with a load of water pump. It was effectfull against Afrodantus. But in time, Afrodantus defeated mayor, the mayor was almost finished. Afrodantus turned towards Lucas to kill him , but Lucas with the water pumps and his thunder strike , he made an impactful attack on Afrodantus and finished the sands rounded in the sky. As he got killed, his sand goblins also got defeated. But the Ragnarok had took place, the civilization was over, the mayor was about to die, the four teenagers went near him. Mayor said ," It's good ,you let the Ragnarok happened! It's my time to go!"

The mayor holded Emily's hands and said, " You are now the the witch my child, i saw the inner you, the witch must be truthful and you are!"

Emily said , " But!?"

Mayor said , " It was written in books , and the thing which is written will happened! FOUR SAVIOURS WITH DIFFERENT SUPERNATURAL WILL CONFRONT THE DOOMSDAY!
you are the four, The Thunder, The magic, The Fire and the Earth!"

And the Mayor Died!
As soon as he died, he got converted into an energy source and got disappeared in air.

Lucas stood up and said , " What the mayor just said? The thunder , the magic, the fire and the Earth!"

Emily got something in his mind, he was silent.

Sam said , " Where you are lost?"

Emily said, " The Thunder is Lucas, The magic is me! The fire and the Earth is rest to be revealed! We have to save the earth, from an evil, he is dangerous, he is conquering this parallel world, soon he will come to earth, to us. We will have to reach the cosmic tree of life before he does!"

Lucas Said , " Where it is?"

Emily said, " The cosmic tree of life is between both of our worlds, but there is still more evil powers left to defeat."

Meanwhile, they looked towards the sky and it turned out to be strange than the usual. The night sky had turned into different colours.

They were scared!
Why the night sky had changed to this colours. There was still a mystery in it. They can't ignore it.

But it maybe just a cause of the mayor's death or just because this world is faraway different from their own world. Meanwhile, they saw a space vehicle coming towards them. It landed there. They were scared. Lucas got alert and make his appeared the thunder sword. Emily outlooked the space vehicle through his magical powers, it was nothing but an illusion.
Lucas was about to attack with his thunder powers but Emily stopped him.

She said , " Lucas wait, it's an illusion."
She performed a magic trick to make the illusion clear.

It got cleared, it was a man standing there in somewhat Sherlock Holmes appearance, with a big physique and a hat and a jacket.

Lucas said , " Who is he?"

Sam Said, " means the stories of earthman Steven are true?"

Hannah said , " You mean Steven Joey Blaine!"

That man said , " Yes I'm Steven

Lucas said, " Steven Who?"

Hannah said , " Steven Joe Blaine, the worthworthy magical man here! I thought they are just stories on eart, but here it's for real!"

Emily said , " and what are you doing here?"

Steven said, " Umm for a reason, it's a long story!

From where i can start!"

He saw there were some woods or log of woods kept there, he blew up the fire there for a bonfire for the story night.

Emily said, " Wow! He also have some magic powers!"

Hannah said , " He had killed many of the evils with these magic powers"

Lucas said , " So yeah why are you here? "

Steven said, " Okay so!"

To be continued in the next part!

(What's going on in here, who is that new man, what's going on with the four teenagers? Well its going to be more and more intresting or a terrified adventure!)


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