The Purpose

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From where i can start!"

He saw there were some woods or log of woods kept there, he blew up the fire there for a bonfire for the story night.

Emily said, " Wow! He also have some magic powers!"

Hannah said , " He had killed many of the evils with these magic powers"

Lucas said , " So yeah why are you here? "

Steven said, " Okay so!"

Meanwhile, there was some lightning outside, just an usual climate for a thunderstorm. Steve Blaine look scared , he said to the kids, " Well we shall talk tomorrow kids , i think the nature wanna do some game, better we will be in the camps soon!"

They made the camps over there as a shelter for the night,

After a few hours,
During Midnight,

Lucas was still awake,

Someone knocked at Lucas' camp, Lucas saw an human figure, he unzipped his camp and saw it was Steven Blaine.

Lucas said, " What happened Steven, what are you here at midnight?"

Steven said, " I need your help!"

Lucas said, " What help?"

Steven said, " Promise me you won't tell anyone!"

Lucas said, " It depends!"

Steven said, " Your powers are causing a danger to this world, you are a danger Lucas !"

Lucas said , " What are you saying this?"

Steven said , " Yes, As you had entered this universe, alot things had become strange, you have a different energy in you and this universe is against it, just due to you your friends and this universe is facing many dangers and different spirits and creatures! Your existence had caused our extinction, but your one decision can save this universe and also can send your friends back to your world!"

Lucas said, " What are you saying this?"

Steven said , " I'm not lying, the mayor had said that you are here to save the world but it's just some stories!"

Lucas said, " he can't lie!"

Steven said, " I lost my family due to your energy, I'm losing everyone, if i wish i can kill you now but i don't want to harm you and your friends!"

Lucas said, " But..."

Steven said, " Believe me Lucas it will be my responsibility to take your friends safe to your world!"

Lucas thinked about it, and he remembered about what all had happened here with them and the universe, the dusted evil, that monster and many like them!

After a few minutes of deep thinking !

Lucas said, " What I'll have to do!?"

Steven said, " Great, come with me, first we will purify you near the lake of spirits and then your sacrifice can make all things better!"

Lucas said, " We?"

Steven said, " Yeah the group of some sorcerer's with me!"

Lucas said, " I'm ready, i will do it for my friends, for this universe, for our universe!"

Steven said , " You are a great warrior!"

From Emily's Camp,

She was in a dream, maybe a nightmare, it was bad and scary, she saw that someone is enchanting Lucas for death! She screamed " Lucassss!"

She woked up and came out of the nightmare, just to see if Lucas is okay or not she went on towards his camp and she saw that lucas wasn't there, Steven's camp was also unzipped! Meanwhile, with her magical powers , she did saw what happened there and came to know that Lucas and Steven had went near the spirit Lake and luacs' life is in danger. Steven had bad intentions.

She went on to awake Sam and hannah. They both were in different camps, both were in a deep sleep, in their camps, but they woked up and said, " We need to save Lucas , he is in danger"

At the spirit Lake!

Steven with his group of sorcerer's make lucas sleep on ground and some magical lamps around it, the sorcerers sat in a circular manner around Lucas reading some type of sorcery book. Steven started perfoming a spell on him to take out his energy and his powers. He actually wanted those powers into him. He wanted the powers of Lucas. They were powerful. It was just the stories formed by Steven to trapout Lucas and it was easily to trap him.
Mayor was correct.

After a few minutes, Lucas levitated up due to the sorcerer's trick, and all his powers were getting transferred into a magical box.


Someone telepathized the big stones on them, it was Emily. She throwed the big stones on Steven. But he destroyed them into sand. He didn't stopped the sorcery trick. Lucas was getting weak. Hannah and Sam tried to fight the other sorcerers but Steven created a magic shield around them to not let anyone interfere. Emily was battling with Steven. She made clones of herself to fight the powerful Steven Blaine and she went on to break the shield, she broked the shield, and freed Lucas. In meantime, Steven defeated her clones, but Lucas was free now. She had went weaker due to the sorcery but still he make his sword appeared in his hands to battle it out with Steven. Steven's sorcery was powerful , he attacked with an army of living skeletons. Lucas gathered up the thunderous raged and attacked on them and went on to take for Steven. Lucas started fighting with Steven Blaine. Hannah and sam was battling with the skeletons with the use of wooden log and rocks. Emily defeated the other sorcerers and went on to assist Lucas. Emily imposed a spell of reminisce on him which made Steven remembered about his past and his family, it gave him some pain but he was still laughing with evilness. Lucas attacked on him with powerful thunder strike and finsihed him out, as he died the surroundings showed some strange actions. The four teenagers got scared. All they saw is a big cloud around and over them with glimpse of purple colour in it. The big cloud surrounded the four teenagers, and was about to attack on them. Emily tried to make a control over that evil cloud but it didn't make any effect. Emily said, " I can't make a control over him, to defeat him we will need to make control on him, there is a big evil power behind it, it's controlling that cloud. Lucas saw that the Sorcerer Steven Blaine got up again, but it was just a dead body now without soul but still something left in him, he was like a zombie version of himself. He said, " He is my pet, and now he is not under my control!"

Lucas in anger jumped up and attacked Steven with a thunder strike again, and piercing the sword in him. Steven was now finished completely but his pet, the big cloud was free and unleashed. The only way to defeat him was to let Emily make a control over him.

Emily said, " we need to distract him , then only i can enchant him, he is so powerful. "

Sam and Hannah picked up the stones to throw on him, to distract him. Lucas gathered up the thunder to catch his eyes. They were distracting him , Emily started to enchant him, but it was mighty and powerful, it was hard to make control over him.

- To be continued in the next part!

( Story is taking a new way, Steven was wrong and mayor was correct, Emily saved Lucas and now the big evil cloud, one by one the dangers were there, but our heroes were still standing against the evil powers, we will see what happens further in the next part)


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