The Another Universe!

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His mom came and asked, "What are you doing here? In the midnight? Go to sleep!"

"Mom, the TV was on, and I came here to turn it off!"

"No, it might be your illusions, or you might have seen a dream. Go to sleep now, you have school tomorrow, or no games from tomorrow! Agree?"

"Goodnight Mom."

He went back into his room and got into his bed under the blanket.

"Ah, this is just a particle of my life! Well, let me sleep now! We will talk tomorrow!" He was talking to himself.

Next day,

He saw outside the window, it was raining! And the thunder struck in the colors of blue and red!

"It's raining in the summer! Wtf?"


Someone kicks him out of the window and...


And he falls into another room!

Apart from his house,

The room was sacred, he saw outside the windows it was like a magical land consisting of all the elements of nature. It was like a theme park set up in a desert, ocean, waterfall, or the aurora borealis!

In the room,

Pictures of him and his family from childhood were hung on the wall!

He went to one of his childhood pictures and saw that he was happy in childhood, just like all of us are. His happiness faded as he grew up.

Meanwhile, someone said from behind. Oh, it was his doppelgänger, his alter ego!

"How happy were we in those days!"

"Hmm! So, you're back to tease me!"

"Yeah, man, we can't get separated. We are one by body, but the thing that differentiates us is our thinking, powers, and most importantly, the soul. Just because of you, I'm also trapped in a cursed place. When you get depressed, it feels like I'm living in hell. When you are happy, I live in heaven!"

"Don't you have your own happiness?"

"I can't have it because we are one, Mr. Lucas Taylor!"

"Why did you bring me here? And what powers do you have?"

"I am here to tell you to be happy and optimistic. It's simple; you just have to face our life's problems with a smile and not cry like a baby!"

"How can I hold on? I just can't. It's too easy to say, dear. The tension of all things!"

"I am just asking for a smile and to be optimistic. Just say to yourself, 'You can do it, and you will!' And you think I have an easy life? I am messed up fighting evil powers in my reality. Actually, we are alter egos of each other! But your reality is affecting me!"

"How simple my life would be if you were with me! But why did you attack that day in my dream?"

"I just wanted to help you, but when I tried to enter your reality, it blocked me and hence I became a kraken to take you and make you realize it. But you woke up!"

"Oh, means you can do that so easily! You look powerful, just like Thanos collecting stones!"

"I'm not bad, but yeah, my powers let me do so!"

"Oh wow, what can you do? Powers like Dr. Strange, or Loki, or a Spiderman, or Captain America?"

"Oh shit, time is going to get over. We need to get back to our realities! Let's go!"

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