3: Friendly Banter

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{A/n, [F/c] just means favorite color.}

Flowey is better company than I expected. As much as I hate to admit it he's quick-witted and honestly funny.

"Hurry up human, if you drag your feet the entire way we won't be able to get out of this place before nightfall." 

"Yeah yeah I get it already Petals." I grumble as I pick up the pace. 

I had nearly caught up with Flowey when the golden star in front of me caught my attention. It was the second one of these I've seen since I uh... 'fell' down here.

"What did I just say..human.." Flowey follows my gaze to the front of the home in the ruins. "What are you looking at [Y/n]?"

"I think I might've hit my head a bit harder than I thought." I reply as I ran up the stairs to match step with him. Or match sprout?

"You humans are so fragile." 

"You're literally a plant Petals." 

He grunted, annoyed, before going into the ground and popping out ahead of me. I speed walk to keep up with him.

"How long do you think this'll take?" I look down at the little yellow flower.

"Well, if you can stop walking like you'remissing a leg it'd go much faster."

"Guess I walked into that one, but seriously?" 

"Probably two or three hours at longest." He looks up at me briefly. "With the traps disabled and no guards or monsters to slow us down it's just a glorified scenic walk. "

"That makes sense I suppose." I observe this section of the underground, called the 'Ruins' with curiosity. This is the place Frisk said she fell first, where she met Flowey and Toriel. 

There isn't much here as it's the smallest space in all the underground, but It's still quite interesting. Why did the queen of all monsters choose to live here Instead of the castle with her husband? 

"Hey Petals I've got a question."

"Of course you do." 

"Why did the queen choose to live here instead of with the king?" 

There was a long pause and Flowey stopped moving. "The king did something that upset her," he says, "So she wanted some time to herself here."

"Ah I see, I guess that makes sense." Flowey's answer felt incomplete but pushing him was practically asking for trouble. 

"3 questions." Flowey stated bluntly. 


"You get 3 questions [Y/n]." He clarified. "Each time we come here I will answer 3 questions and no more."

"Did that last question count?"

"No but that one did!" He cackles at me. 

"Damn you Petals!" I laughed with him. "Suppose I'll need to save the other 2 for later then." 

"You're kind of annoying you know that?" 

I start walking forward. "That ain't the first time I've been told that." 

"Why am I not surprised?" He grins. 

We continued through The Ruins bantering back in forth. I was shocked at how entertaining of a person Flowey actually was. His dark humor complimented my own quite well. 

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