49: The Resets

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All things considered, life has been kind to [Y/n] [L/n]. 

Loving friends and friends. He's never struggled in school and the worst moments of his life are already behind him. 

At least that's how seemed it was going. 

But, lambkin, where is the excitement in that? The drama? The intrigue? 

I ask you, what is compelling about a plain and simple happily ever after?

'He learns to control his desire and lives a life of love and joy!' 

I think not. 

Do you think it wrong, lambkin? 

Perhaps you do. 

Just as you think it is wrong for humans to resort to violence. 

But you always watch.

I am merely knocking down a domino. 

Releasing a butterfly.

Shaking a can of soda.

Voster Merces is not my doing, not exactly. 

Its existence was inevitable. 

As natural as the changing of the seasons. 

I merely.. expeditated entropy. 

Do you hate me, lambkin?

Perhaps you'd be right to. 

It is only natural to fear the things you don't understand. 

And is even more natural to hate that which you fear. 

And how could you understand me? 

Something so far removed from your consciousness as to be nearly contrary. 

I wonder sometimes if you can even understand what I'm saying. 

If you're even aware of me. 

Or if you're a figment of my imagination. 

Or perhaps I am the result of yours? 

An idea flitting in the breeze. 

As unremarkable as make-believe.


Get your popcorn, lambkin. 

The stage is set, and the curtains rise. 

The show will soon begin. 


I run through the large group toward the stairs, and they let me without issue. 

I know they want to talk to me, to console me and tell me it's going to be okay, but that isn't what I'm worried about. 

I quickly go up the stairs and rush into my room, slamming the door behind me. 

Death.. doesn't hold the same impact as it once did. Even my own. 

It isn't something concrete to me anymore. 

I love Mama Gloria, with all my heart, and [Y/n]'s parents were as close to me as family but I don't feel anything aside from.. the word annoyance comes to mind and I wince at the harshness of the thought.

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