58: Duality

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His eyes shift to me than fall the floor. His face is screwed up in confusion, as if he's lost in fog. 

"[Y/n]." I say firmly.

He looks up at me, clearly lost. 

"Hey, look at me, focus on my voice, my eyes, ground yourself." I say, more gently. 

He holds my gaze for a moment, his violet eyes softening into lilac. I smell the panic wafting off him, his emotions confused and conflicting. 

Satisfaction, Confusion, Relief, Disgust. 


He looks around, seemingly forgetting what he was doing.  "I..." He mutters. 

"[Y/n]." I say again, drawing his attention. 

"Yes?" He asks, sounding strangely winded, suddenly looking tired. 

"The blood." 

"..Yes.." He mummbles, his eyes shifting subtly back to violet. 

The smell of anger replaced by frustration, and confusion again, his eye twitching ever so slightly. 

His hands flex a little, the muscles tightening unnaturally. 

I feel a frown form I observe him.

"[Y/n]." I say, letting my presence fill the room.

 His head snaps to me, his attention clearly caught. 


He nods, spooked a little. 

"Forgot what I am?" I tease, smirking a little, still watching the way his muscles seem to strain against his skin. 

What is happening to you [Y/n]?

He smiles a little, the gesture forced. 

"You make it easy." He says, a playful grin masking his discomfort. 

"Well, I'll be sure to remind you every so often..now stop dodging my question." 

He nods again, looking away. 

"You..I..need you to promise to listen..and judge me after." 

"[Y/n]..there's next to nothing you could do that I'd judge you harshly for.." The smell of iron hits my nose again. 

It's not exactly unpleasant, if I'm honest. 

Makes a girl hungry though.

He lets out a heavy sigh as he slides down the wall, sitting on the floor.


I roll my eyes but can't hide my smile. "Always." 

"I've been..hunting them." 

"...Hunting them?" 


I nod, accepting the information as I sit in front of him, criss-crossing my legs.

"..And today got out of hand?" I ask.

He simply nods.

"..May I?" I ask, gesturing for his hand. 

He looks at me anxiously..before nodding and resting his hand in mine. 


{ [Y/n] 

Smells like vanilla and blood. 

His mental state his deteriorating. 

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