20: Book Time

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Good gosh I am so excited to be back! A lot has been going on with my life and I've been wanting to get back into writing but I really just haven't had the time. I'm glad to announce that I should be back to updating at least semi regularly! Hopefully my forced break hasn't worsened my writing and you all enjoy it just as you have previously. Also when I took my break we were at around 1.2k reads. And now we're at 2.1k reads. So that's kind of insane. The support for this book has been crazy and I am immensely grateful. I don't want to hold you here, I know you want to get to the chapter.

As always I hope you enjoy. 

Have a wonderful day and please remember to Smile!}


"No!" I spout quickly. "I misspoke!" I can feel my face heat up, presumably bright red. 

He snickers at this and smiles. "Yeah that makes sense." 

"Huh?" He's not even going to tease me about that? 

"Well I mean there's no way you'd want to date a human, let alone me." He shrugs a little before putting foodstuffs away. 

Frowning at this I say, "Why not you specifically?" 

He shrugs with a fake grin. "You're the princess of monsters, a demon and the most interesting person I've ever met in my life." He shifts his gaze from me to the floor. "And I'm just me."'

It feels like someone lit a fire in my chest. How could he think that being him makes him unworthy? It makes me mad just considering it. 

I flick him on the forehead and my frown deepens. "You aren't 'just' you." He looks back at me curiously. "You're almost upsettingly fun to be around and your also able to hold intellectual conversation with me." I sharpen my gaze on him. "No one gets to speak ill of you but me." 

He smirks at this almost laughing. "Not even me huh?"

Returning his smile I nod, resting my finger on his nose. "Especially not you."

 He rolls his eyes. "Any snacks beside chocolate and apple slices?"

"I likely won't eat much so pack lightly."

"If you insist Chara." He saunters back into the kitchen, a small smile on his face. 

"Can you pack faster?"

"Oh shush." 

Soon after he comes back into the living room, a basket hanging on his shoulder. 

"Library time!" He says with a wide grin. 

I hop up off the couch sliding to his side and opening the basket and taking a chocolate bar.

He rolls his eyes and opens the door, stepping out side. "Coming?" He turns to me.

I follow behind him. "Obviously." 

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