41: Together Again

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Are you dosing off, little lambkin?


Oh, that won't do, that won't do at all!

Fine, I'll repeat myself, and this time listen carefully. 

There are people in this world that hold a certain presence. 

A kind of gravity that draws people to them. 

Or pushes them away. 

I don't mean the mundane kind, people with an imposing build or a deep and commanding voice..

Something much more primal. 

Most of these people are grand leaders. 

Respected and revered, or reviled and feared.


It seems we're out of time. 

Well the important thing is-

There is something strangely suffocating about being in this room. It's similar to when I first met Chara in The Underground. 

Except now, no ones threating one another. 

I can tell they feel it too, but something tells me their discomfort is very different than mine. 

"So.. uhm.. Popcorn?" I offer the two girls sitting on opposite ends of the living room. 

I feel their attention fall on me and have to stifle a slight shake in my hands.

"Yes please." Frisk says with a polite but strained smile. 

"If it's no trouble." Chara adds. 

The air is so thick with tension I feel as if I could grab it. 

"I'll be right back." I say with my most pleasant smile. 

Despite the.. less than optimal environment, I really am happy with this development.

I just hope I things work out. 

If both of my bestfriends can be friends it would make my life so much easier. 

As I make my way to the kitchen I feel something wet fall on my wrist. 

Are our pipes leaking?

I look up at the ceiling and find the ceiling completely dry. 

"Wha?" I voice my confusion as I look down at my hand. 

A small droplet of smeared scarlet colors my (s/c) hand. 

I continue into the kitchen as I reach up to dab the area below my nose. 

As I pull my hand away I see my entire finger drenched in a brilliant crimson. 

"Strange." I think aloud as I calmly pull out the popcorn from the far right cupboard.

As I wipe my face with a paper towel and wash my hands of blood, I wonder why I'm so calm. 

That was far too much blood for an ordinary nose bleed.

Am I in shock? 

No I don't think so, I'm thinking very clearly. 

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