6: Longing

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As I stared off into the gorgeous expanse beyond the mountain, the town the forest leading up to it, I could only think of one thing clearly. How much I wanted to go back and explore.

I feel like an excited little kid waiting to go to an amusement park. I've never been so excited. 

And my little encounter with the demon princess of monsters went far better then I could've ever imagined. 

"Though to be fair how could I have guessed the first fallen human from thousands of years a go was not only alive but a demon that haunts the underground?" I asked this to no one in particular as I made the long trek back home.

The trail although simple was certainly long. It more then made up for it's lack of complexity and difficulty with shear size. 

Luckily it wouldn't take more then an hour or two, as long as I kept up a reasonable pace. Which meant that even if Toriel herself was waiting at my house, which unfortunately was a very real, very terrifying possibility, I'd be able to explain it away with some amount of credibility. 

Though In all likelihood there'd be no one and I'd go about my business as if I never jumped down a suicide hole, nearly died and then met the demon daughter of the monster royalty.  

"For the love of Asgore I'm an idiot." I muttered to myself, laughing a little as I realized I picked up a monster phrase. Undyne says that particular thing quite a lot so it was probably from her. 

That isn't to say it's an uncommon thing to say for monsters, just that she say's it at least three times a day.

All of my thinking must have distracted me for quite some time as I could see the city coming into view right ahead of me. As soon as I saw it I could feel all of the fatigue of the day wash over me like a tidal wave.

How long had I been walking for my feet to hurt like this? Hours, sure but I've gone on longer trails before. 

"Oh well." I sped up my pace to that of a power walk and trucked on home. 

Luckily for me when I got there I saw no seven feet tall goat mothers to scold me. So that's lucky at least. 

I opened the front door and entered, yawning as soon as I stepped foot beyond the doorway. I made sure to lock it behind me and grabbed a small snack from the kitchen.

I went upstairs to my room and collapsed on my bed, nearly passing out as soon as I made contact with the cushioning of the mattress. 

I could only succumb to the comfort and allow myself to be drifted off into the land of dreams. 

As I looked around at the mighty golden pillars of the judgment hall, I quickly realized I was dreaming. 

"Greetings." Welcomed a voice, though it sounded anything but welcoming. 

"Really can't get you out of my head huh, Red?" I turned to face the dream Chara and grinned tiredly. She looked just as she did before.

Somehow even in this dream it's eyes still pierced me with that same life and energy. "I said not to call me that." She looked at me with thinly masked irritation. 

"Lighten up will you, you're not even real this is just a dream." I shrugged at the mind created image of the demon.

"Is that what you think?" She asked after a moment.

"Well yeah, It's not like I have anything else to think about." I stretched and stood up to look over at the thing. "I'm not sure exactly how I got your eyes right, there's no way I'm creative enough to make something so breathtaking." 

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