17: Chocolate

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I realize only now that I haven't been making any authors notes recently.

Which is kinda wack because I love when I get comments. 

How have the last few chapters been?

Any errors that you've noticed? 

Anything about my writing that doesn't sit right with you?

Any moments in particular that you liked? 

Feel free to leave me a comment! 


Two semi-important things! 

Semi important thing the first, I kinda wanna do a Q&A cause it sounds like alot of fun!

So please feel free to ask me questions and I'll wait a few days to let comments stack so that it isn't super short. 

Semi important thing the second!

There's a story called The White Demon, By Kiramera that I absolutely adore. 

She did a thing where she asked her readers if there are any scenarios they think would be nice! However she ran into an issue that there were too many for her to keep up with so I'm worried that something like that may happen here as well.

 However I wanna do it anyway. :3

So, any scenarios you'd like to see with any of the characters? 

Keep in mind some things may clash with the characters as I have written them or the plot as I have decided to write it.

 Apologies if anything you request doesn't get addressed.  

That's about it! 

As always have a good day, and do remember to Smile!}

"Hey." Whispers a voice close to my ear.

"Hey." It repeats louder this time. 

"Wake up [Y/n]." Calls the voice. 

"Wake up!" I shoot up in my bed to see Chara standing at the foot of my bed, arms crossed and an impatient frown painted on her face. 

She smiles as I sit up and giggles. "Ah, wonderful!" She sings to herself happily. 

"Huh?" I drowsily inquire. She laughs at my tired confusion and rips the covers off of me. "Nooooo..." I mumble. 

"Yessss." She replies with amusement. "I've let you sleep for longer then is healthy." 

"What?" I ask with a yawn. "How long have I been asleep?" 

She looks at the digital alarm clock resting on my bookshelf and hums before answering, "11 hours and 12 minutes."

"That's much longer then normal." I mutter as I force myself out of bed. 

"Indeed it..is.." She trails off.

"Wait and 12 minutes?" Turning to face Chara her smile has turned to a small blush and a focused stare. 

"What?" I ask looking down to see my bare chest. I look back to her with a tired sigh. "Ah I see." 

I quickly pull a blanket over myself. "Turn around perv." She quietly complies. 

I slip on a shirt from my clothes basket and stretch.

"Asgore's horn I want to shower." I idly say as I walk past Chara. 

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